Chapter Thirteen: Jailbreak

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Under normal circumstances, a daddy daughter date wouldn't take place after dark. But the Jorgensons weren't exactly normal. After dinner, Snotlout had asked his only daughter if she'd go on an evening flight with him as he scouted the island perimeter. Inga was ecstatic. What other kid her age was allowed to do a perimeter scout with their father?

Of course, Inga had to be careful. Though her seizures were far and few between, they still weren't sure what the trigger was. It seemed to be sporadic and out of the blue at times. Especially when flying, her parents preferred her to be in good company who'd keep an eye on her. It bugged her a bit that she couldn't just go out and do something without someone always watching her. But after the first few incidents, she'd come to accept it. She didn't want to be alone or flying a thousand feet in the air with no one to catch her if something happened.

Inga enjoyed the chilly nighttime air as they flew, Hookfang and Mystie nipping at each other and Snotlout warning them to be careful.

"Relax, dad," Inga grinned, deeply inhaling. "They're fine! Don't be such a worry wart!"

Snotlout puffed out his chest. "Worry wart? I am not!"

"You so are! By the way, you look like you haven't shaved in days."

"Oh! Wouldn't you know that's because I haven't shaved in days?" Snotlout snarked, scratching his scruffy face. Things had been so hectic the last few days, he and the other council members were pulling out all the stops to help Hiccup. He was beginning to look more worse for wear as the days dragged on, and the village couldn't afford him to crash. Unfortunately that meant the daily shave routine was put on hold.

"Mom likes it."

Snotlout smirked. "Does she now?"

"Yup," Inga nodded. "She said it was hot, as a matter of fact."

"Hm, I'll have to ask."

"If by ask you mean do something weird or awkward, you can leave me out of it."

"Erm... gladly." Snotlout swallowed, wondering just what she meant by such a statement. She was only eleven...

Finally the Jorgensons rounded the final bend, passing the large braziers standing tall in the ocean, their fires roaring in the navy darkness. Berk looked peaceful with the random torches lit around the island. Now and then Snotlout could see a guard walk down a path, carrying a torch.

As if on cue, Inga piped up, "Lotsa guards out tonight."


"Are they going to catch the gang?"

Snotlout pondered her words as he guided both dragons toward the square, holding up a hand in greeting to another passing guard. Hookfang and Mystie landed, stretching their wings. The Jorgenson patriarch assisted his daughter to the ground and finally replied, "Yes. That's the plan."

"Hmph." Inga crossed her arms as they began the walk home. The streets were narrower around their house so it was better to walk. Wouldn't do to crash a Monstrous Nightmare and Changewing into the neighbors' houses so late at night! "Who's in it?"

Her father glanced at her in concern. "Don't worry about it, Inga. It'll be over soon anyway."

"Well yeah, but I'll eventually know who was in it anyway, wont I? Once you catch them." Inga prompted. "So who's in it?"

"Inga..." Snotlout rubbed his face. "We don't know yet."

The girl frowned, her short dark hair falling in her face for a moment before she shoved it back. "You don't? But-"

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