Chapter Fourteen: The Knight's Lament

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Hiccup's whole body felt heavy and sore as he walked up the steps to the Great Hall early that morning. He knew for sure that he definitely didn't enjoy patrolling until it was time for breakfast. But he also knew that to catch the gang in action, he was going to have to put in the extra effort. Stretching his muscles for the umpteenth time, he finally traipsed into the Hall and made a beeline to a table containing several council members.

"Nah, I agree with you." Ruffnut was saying as Hiccup came within hearing distance to the table. "If he doesn't get it soon, he'll get even more grouchy."

"Yeah but we have to be subtle." Fishlegs added.

"This is going to be tricky. We'll need all of our skills of stealth and- hi, Hiccup!" Tuffnut chirped in a voice filled with false cheerfulness. "We weren't talking about you!"

Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yeah we were talking about Sven!" Ruffnut exclaimed, thumping Sven on the back as he choked in response.

"I'm too tired to even ask." Hiccup collapsed on the bench and put his head in his hands. "I thought caring for restless newborns was difficult but staying up half the night almost every night? I'll take the diaper changes and 2 am feedings again."

"Don't remind me." Tuffnut put his fingers to his temples as if warding off a headache. "I'm still trying to forget about last night's blowout."

"Oh yeah, we've all been there, buddy." Astrid said with a smirk as she walked up to the table and sat down next to her husband.

"Try a double blowout." Snotlout scowled.

"At 3 am when you haven't managed to fall asleep yet." Astrid added.

"Well if I see our mom," Tuffnut said to Ruffnut, "I'll be sure to apologize and get her a big bouquet of flowers."

"Yeah that might actually get the last traces of the smell out of the house." Snotlout quipped, earning himself a playful smack on the arm from Heather.

"Anyway," Hiccup drew out the word to get everyone's attention. "It was a complete waste of time. Nothing happened last night."

"Well we can't expect them to attack with half the village on alert." Astrid said through a sigh. "The issue is that they're obviously adjusting their strategy based on ours."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Hiccup pressed his palms into his eyes until little lights flashed in his vision. "They're anticipating our moves. It's a battle of wits between us and whoever is in charge. Gods, I wish I could know that much. All I can figure is that he or she is pretty clever. And we've got a lot of clever teens here, including our kids."

Snotlout tensed. "If you're implying that Inga, Dustin, or Vidar are involved-"

"No, I've pretty much ruled them out. I doubt a gang with people like Cale and Frey would allow kids that young to participate." Hiccup said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Well I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Ava isn't involved either." Tuffnut announced, looking suspiciously at his daughter in Svala's arms. "But she does look suspect sometimes. I'll have to keep an eye on her." The baby squealed and giggled in response to her daddy's voice, making everyone at the table smile.

"No, Ava's not involved either." Hiccup grumbled. "And neither is anyone under thirteen, I'm thinking."

"But that means you're suspecting your own kids." Heather stated. "Do you really think they could have anything to do with it?"

"Anna in a gang? I doubt it." Snotlout chortled. "About the only group she'd join is a book club."

"Yeah, I don't think Addie's got anything to do with it." Hiccup agreed. "Finn, on the other hand..."

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