Chapter Seventeen: Grating Nerves

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The entire summer, Hiccup had imagined that the night he caught the gang and threw them behind bars, he would sleep well again. He wouldn't be up until the crack of dawn, running himself into the ground as he had been night after night. He'd hit the pillow early, snuggle up next to his wife and be able to truly relax knowing that his village was safe. Maybe he could catch a few more Zs than usual and sleep in a bit late. Heck, maybe he'd even have a few extra minutes to shave this infernal scruff off his face. He couldn't have been more wrong.

Instead, he lay awake most of the night, staring at the ceiling with a dismal frown. Astrid had eventually fallen asleep once her tears of frustration had subsided. The couple was rightfully distraught over their son's actions, behaviors, attitudes. They were at a loss.

So there he lay, the famous Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, wide awake in the middle of the night in his comfortable bed in his warm house while his son, his baby, sat in a cold, dank, uncomfortable cell, probably shivering and feeling alone as ever.

Hiccup stiffened, holding back a groan. The thought alone made him want to jump out of bed and bring Finn home. He couldn't stand the thought of his son sitting in jail like a criminal. But he knew he couldn't do that. He couldn't reward or feel sorry for the boy or allow him to get away with his crimes. Because that's what they were: crimes. Crimes against the tribe, the people who loved and trusted him, Astrid, himself! Even Gobber, who was one of the few individuals who the boy still held in high regard. Or so they thought.

Sighing heavily, Hiccup looked at Astrid sleeping beside him. A soft smile came to his face when she hummed and snuggled closer into his shoulder, her arm wrapping around his waist lazily. Even after so many years of marriage, she still hogged most of the bed, pressing herself up against his body. It was a wonder he didn't fall off the edge of the bed more often. He almost snickered at the memory from their first year of marriage when she'd snuggled him so far to the edge that they toppled out of bed at a whopping six am. Annoying at the time for sure; funny to look back on now. Oh, the little perks of early marriage life. Little did they know of the big adventures heading their way full force.

Gently kissing her forehead, Hiccup whispered, "Things will be okay. I promise."

Tugging the blankets over them, Astrid sighed contentedly from the resulting warmth. Soon the chief felt his eyes drooping, and finally sleep overtook him.


"Wow. You look awful."

Hiccup grunted in response to Snotlout's flat remark. He swiped a coffee cup from the breakfast drink bar and sat down beside Snotlout. The other council members nodded at him respectfully as he carefully took a swig. He winced and set down the cup. "Ow."

"Hot?" Tuffnut asked.

"No, it's cold."

"Oh, well don't freeze your teeth." Tuffnut shook a finger at him from across the table. "One time I froze my teeth with a massive bite of ice cream and let me tell you, it was singlehandedly the most painful experience of my life. So of course I had to do it again."

"It was awesome." Ruffnut snickered.

Hiccup sighed, giving Horst a look that said "help".

Horst hid a smile and sat forward. "Let's get things started. How would you like to proceed?"

Astrid slid into the extra seat beside her husband, a blueberry muffin and glass of orange juice in hand. "We're going to interrogate them one by one."

"Who's going to be present?" Manny the Mad asked, stroking his sword thoughtfully.

Hiccup swallowed hard, knocking back the caffeinated beverage. He could practically feel the fog clear from his brain as the caffeine hit his blood stream. Shaking his head to clear it, he replied, "I think we're going to mix things up. I'll conduct every trial with one other council member. For instance, Fishlegs will be present for his own children's trials. I think that's fair. Manny, you can help me grill Frey. Snotlout..." Hiccup paused, watching his friend carefully. "Do you want to be there for Cale's?"

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