Chapter Fifteen: Tough Love

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There was nothing like living like a criminal under the chief's nose.

Of course, Finn didn't really live like a criminal at home. He just found it extremely ironic how difficult it was for his dad to catch the gang, or even acquire any information, when he had not one, but two of the little scoundrels living right under his very nose.

It was four days after his father's frightening speech of impending doom when Finn tromped down the stairs, a smirk playing at the edge of his lips at his good fortune. He didn't honestly expect it to last this long. Though he'd never expected to get caught or hadn't pegged an allotted time frame for the gang to exist, it was five months to the day since the first hit! He was on Cloud 9. He probably shouldn't be enjoying this so much.

But when you're fifteen and successfully rebellious, what the heck?

Finn made it to the bottom of the stairs just as Erick emerged from the washroom, the ends of his blonde hair damp from a wash. The older teen stiffened as Finn brushed past, holding the red-head's mocking smirk with an icy stare. Finn marched into the kitchen area and the moment passed.

The future heir scooped a massive ladle of oatmeal with gusto, piling it high with berries and nuts. Finn couldn't help but feel a little exhilarated by this glorious bowl of goodness he'd created. He nearly felt like advertising it to the world. Fearless Finn Haddock: future chief of Berk, unstoppable gang leader, and devourer of oatmeal.

"Need a bigger bowl?" His father's amused voice interrupted his musings of trampling his enemies with the strength that only a healthy breakfast could give.

Finn frowned and twisted sideways, surprised he hadn't noticed his father standing two feet away. Swallowing, he watched as Erick took a seat at the table across from his sister and rubbed his forehead. Finn cleared his spoon with his lips before poking it at his father. "Don't judge me."

Hiccup snorted, sipping his coffee as he leaned against the counter. "Wouldn't dream of it."

The teenager scowled at the dark brew. "How can you drink that?"

Hiccup raised an eyebrow. "Gotta be wide awake to get my job done. And catch the gang."

Finn shrugged indifferently, dodging the baited phrase. He wondered if his dad chose those words on purpose. Probably. He dug into his oatmeal fervently. "Whatever floats your boat."

"Or sinks it." Adrianna piped from her seat, peering at them through her bangs as she took a bite of eggs. Finn stuck a tongue out at her.

Erick closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the table. Hiccup instantly straightened. "You okay over there?"


"You look tired," Adrianna prompted. "Did you sleep enough?"

"Yeah," Erick sighed as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. "I'm just... still catching up."

"Gotcha." Adrianna nodded once resolutely before returning to her plate.

Finn rolled his eyes. So stiff and boring and blah, those two. So much needless tension and drama. Maybe it was a blonde thing? Scraping his last scoop of oatmeal into his mouth and dumping the dishes into the wash basin, he walked up and squeezed Erick's shoulders. "Oh he's fine, nothing like the Haddock family to rest you up, both in body and soul in preparation for the rest of life's hardships."

Erick's body gradually went rigid until he flicked Finn's right hand. Finn smirked and threw up his hands in mock hurt. "I try to be nice. People would kill for a massage from me, you know that?"

"Don't touch me." Erick murmured. The hardness in his voice was calm and quiet, yet unmistakable.

Adrianna watched the exchange with wide eyes, glancing between the boys. The tension in the room mounted like two opposing magnets fighting for strength. She looked to her father, who remained still as he held his cup of coffee, watching the interaction. Hiccup's green eyes were narrowed ever so slightly, which only confirmed his piqued interest.

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