Chapter Twenty-One: Consumed

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Around two in the afternoon, Hiccup found himself in the square helping the fishermen load dozens and dozens of barrels onto carts. With winter coming in the next ten to twelve weeks, they only had so much time to stock up on food and other things. The morning air had been a tad chilly, making him think of his son. The vague little note made his heart rise into his throat, but at least he was alive. He hoped he'd be able to find decent shelter wherever he was. Thankfully the afternoons were decently warm though; his son wouldn't freeze to death out there. Yet.

"Aaaaaaalright," Hiccup groaned, shoving the last barrel into a car. He wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead and pointed down the street. "Let's get these to the Hall. Set them in the freeze room in an organized manner. Snotlout and I will get the counts later."

"Yes sir."

Hiccup watched the men and few teenagers begin to push the carts down the street. He sighed heavily, looking down at his loose wool shirt hanging off his (mostly) thin frame. He wondered if it was strange for the younger kids to see him wearing something so... well, normal. It wasn't often he went through the day wearing no leather or armor, aside from a few chiefly items he knew he'd need. But the day was calm with warm, clear skies. Sometimes it was okay to be comfortable.


Hiccup turned at the sound of his wife's voice, but his eyes widened when he saw her. She wasn't dressed any different than usual—a fitted wool top, armored skirt with dark leggings, headband and boots. She looked the same as she always did. Maybe it was the fact that she wore the headband he'd made for her twentieth birthday or that her hair was draped across her shoulder in a golden braid. Whatever it was, it seemed to steal his breath away.

"Hiccup?" Astrid waved a hand in his face.

He shook himself, pulling out of his trance. "Sorry."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Hiccup crossed his arms, darting a look down to stare at his boots but glancing across her body instead. He cleared his throat. "I'm fine."

Astrid stared at him quizzically. "Are you sure? Because you're acting..."

"Weird? Stupid?"

His wife smiled mischievously. "Funny."

"Me, funny? Ha..." Hiccup half-turned, looking away. "I don't know what you're talking about, Astrid."

"Is there something you wanted to ask me?"

"Ask you?" Hiccup shook his head. "No, definitely not."


"No." Hiccup fought the urge to smirk as he shook his head. Her blue eyes glittered with amusement, nearly making him choke on his tongue. "N-nothing at all. Nothing here from Hiccup. Nope, he's definitely just... being stupid, as per usual."

"Oh shut up." Astrid pulled him down by the shirt and kissed him firmly.

Hiccup's eyes fluttered shut and he deepened the kiss, resting his hands on her shoulders. She gave a soft sigh, but pulled away all too soon. Hiccup nearly pouted when she stood in front of him, ignoring Tuffnut's catcall nearby. She brushed her bangs out of her eyes and sighed.

"I have to do laundry."

Hiccup frowned sympathetically. "And I have a harvest meeting in twenty minutes."

"Okay. Well, I'll see you tonight." Astrid pecked his lips a final time before walking to Stormfly, conversing with Toothless nearby.

Hiccup watched her go from the middle of the street, arms crossed. He chewed his cheek pensively, wishing he could go home and spend time with her. This was the first time in a long, long time that he was reallyfeeling anything. He knew she has been patient for most of the summer, probably longer, for him to come around but things got out of hand and he'd gotten carried away. But the way she teased him last night... he'd been thinking about it most of the morning. Even after all these years, she still drove him crazy.

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