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Hunter's POV
Today is the day that Tiffany and Taylor leave.

Their mom woke us all up and it's currently 7AM.

I grabbed tiffany's stuff while she grabbed a carry on bag.

We took the bag out to the car and got in.

She laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

I'm going to miss her so much.

Taylor's POV
Today we are leaving for magcon.

It's gonna suck because I leave summer.

I leave Tristen also, he's my favorite sibling.

Only because he listens to what I say.

I got in the front seat, Hunter and Tiffany in the back.

I looked back, they were sleeping. Aw.

I took a picture and sent it to Hunter. Him and I were good friends.

That's how they met, Hunter came to the house one night.

I left for awhile that night and when I came back they were best friends.

Few days later they were dating. It's almost been a year now.

I met summer through Tiffany. Kinda ironic isn't it.

Hunter, Tiffany, Summer and I were all at the house.

We were playing Never Have I Ever.

Since then summer and I have had a thing.

Now we're dating.


We got to the airport, I woke up Hunter.

After I woke Hunter up I got out to grab the bags.

Tiffany's POV
"Wake up, sunshine" I heard Hunter say while shaking me.

I groaned and opened my eyes.

"No" I replied and groaned.

I just heard him laugh, I'll miss his laugh.

"We're at the airport, you have to get up" Hunter said.

I groaned again, eventually I got up.

I walked to the back and got my luggage.

Taylor and I said goodbye to Mom, next was Hunter.

I hugged him and he lifted me up.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" he said.

"I'll miss you too but remember I get a break on July 1st-10th." I replied.

"Alright, honey, we have to go" Mom said talking to Hunter.

He pulled away from the hug, kissed me and left.

Taylor and I walked into the airport.

Taylor's POV
Tiff and I said goodbye to Hunter and Mom.

We walked into the airport waiting for our plane to be called.

I got a text from Summer and Matthew.

Summer:Call me when you get to Texas. ❤️

I didn't text back, I just looked at Matthews text.

Matthew Espinosa: Hey, how old is your sister?

Me:Same age as you, Matt.

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