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*thats my eye, I had no other photo, sorry*
– 1 month later –
I woke up for school but felt like I had to throw up.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up, my mom walked passed assuming to wake Taylor up.

"Tiffany, we're going to the doctor today, you're staying home" mom said.

I didn't say anything, I just laid back down because I felt bad.

"am I pregnant" I thought to myself.

– Taylor's POV –
I got to school and saw Hunter at his locker.

I walked up to him, "Hey, Tiff isn't coming to school today" I said.

"Why, is she okay?" He asked.

"She's been throwing up lately, no big deal probably just a virus" I replied.

Hunter's face looked worried.

– Hunter's POV –
What if she's pregnant.


babygirl💖- yes?

me-are you pregnant?

babygirl💖-i don't know, my mom and I are on the way to the doctor.

– Tiffany's POV –
"Mom, I think I want to go inside the room alone." I said nervously

"That's fine, honey" she replied and we waited for my name to be called.

"Tiffany Caniff?" The nurse called out.

I walked with her to the room then answered her questions.

"Well, Miss.Caniff it sounds like you're pregnant, we'll do a ultrasound just to make sure" the nurse said.

The nurse did the ultrasound and sure enough, I'm pregnant.


I haven't told anyone yet, I just told my mom it was a virus and I could go back to school tomorrow.

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