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– Hunter's POV –
I woke up, it's now four in the morning.

Our flight is at seven, I got out of the bed and woke Tiffany up.

She went to wake up Taylor, Cameron, Carter , Matthew.

I went to wake up Jack, Jack, Nash, Aaron , Hayes , Ashton and Brandon.


After waking everyone one up we got our luggage and left.

We stopped to get food and we got to the airport at five.

We are always really early to air ports because usually it takes us so long to get ready.

– Cameron's POV –
I'm texting a girl names Katie right now.

She was a girl I knew from growing up, she's cool.

We texted for a long time but then our flight to Texas was called.

I put up my phone and grabbed the Luggage and got on the plane.

– Taylor's POV –
We finally got to California ( don't remember if I put where their going. If I did it's now Cali 👅😏)

We all got our hotel rooms and unpacked, today we have a free day so we just walked around.

Sorry, I haven't updated in so long, I've been so busy 😩

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