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— Tiffany's POV —
I woke up and went downstairs to get a water.

Ashton wasn't in my bed anymore so I assumed he was awake.

I saw Hunter and Brandon in the living room talking.

"Hey, baby" Hunter said coming up to me trying to kiss me.

I moved my head out of the way and walked upstairs.

— Hunter's POV —
That's weird, when I tried to kiss Tiffany she moved her head.

I looked at Brandon confused and he just shrugged.

I walked upstairs to her room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"Hunter" I replied

"Go away" she replied.

I walked in her room and she just looked at me.

"I said go away" she said.

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked clearly clueless.

"Why don't you go kiss Summer since you did that last night" she replied.

Shit, she found out.

"Babe... I didn't mean to" I said truthfully.

"You didn't mean to!? How do you not mean to kiss somebody!" She yelled.

— Cameron's POV —
I heard yelling from Tiffany's room so I ran up stairs.

"Why are you yelling it's ten in the morning" I asked.

"Because Hunter likes to go out and kiss other girls" Tiffany said

"You stay in here, I'll talk to you." I said pointing to Tiffany.

"You go downstairs, talk to Taylor" I said pointing to Hunter.

– Hunter's POV –
I walked downstairs to Taylor and he knew exactly why I was downstairs.

"So, you like to go kiss my girlfriend and cheat on my sister." He said.

"I didn't mean to, we were at a party and we were drinking." I said truthfully.

"You should've pushed her away, you knew you had a girlfriend" he replied.

"I know, I feel like shit for doing it, I love Tiffany but with her going back on tour I got sad and went out and drank" I said honestly.

– Taylor's POV –
She didn't tell him she might stay?

"I'll talk to her Hunter but I can't promise anything" I told Hunter.

It's obvious he feels like shit but he knew.

Tiff might forgive him for this but I still have to talk to summer.

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