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2 days later
Tiffany's POV
I was woken up by someone jumping on the bed.

"Wake up!" They yelled at me, I pulled the covers over my face.

It was Matthew, he pulled the blanket off me.

"I will murder you in your sleep if you don't stop" I said harshly.

I hate when people try to wake me up, I am not a morning person.

"Sorry, Magcon is in three hours, you need to get ready" Matthew said.

I groaned and got up, I grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom.

Matthew's POV
I learned to never wake Tiffany up again.

She woke up and I walked to where everyone was.

"Did you wake the beast?" Taylor asked.

"Yes, you could've told me she wasn't a morning person." I replied laughing.

"Well who wants to wake up at 8 in the morning" Shawn said.

"True" we all said.

We decided to make a YouTube video.

"I'm Nash" Nash said into the camera.

"I'm Cameron" Cameron said.

It went on like that until everyone said their names.

Tiffany's POV
I got out of the shower, blow dried my hair and makeup.

I put my outfit on and went to where the boys were.

I walked in and everyone had shaving cream on their face.

"Umm" I said laughing, "We were making a YouTube video" Carter said.

I sat in the chair awkwardly.

at the event

I was backstage while the boys were on stage, also mahogany.

I got off Instagram and texted Hunter.

Babyboy: I miss you😥

I locked my phone and waited for a text back.

My phone dinged twice, I didn't know who the second one could be.

Babyboy: I miss you more, how's the event?"

Brandon Rowland: Where have you been? , I haven't seen you.

I texted Hunter back first.

Me:Not so fun, I'm backstage waiting for everyone to be done🙁

Now, I texted Brandon back.

Me: I'm sorry, Brando, I've on tour with my brother.

Hunter texted me back.

Babyboy:When do you get to come back home? 💔

Me: July 1st, I'll be home for ten days.

Babyboy: we're spending at least 9 days together then, especially July 4th.

That made my heart skip a beat.

Almost a year with Hunter and I still get butterflies.

Brandon Rowland:When you come home, you're coming over.

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