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— Brandon's POV —
I was texting Sydney and seeing if she wants to come over.

"Tiff, can Sydney come over?" , I asked.

"awe, yeah" she replied, I told Sydney she could come over.

Eventually Sydney got here, I introduced her to Tiffany, Hunter and Ashton.

We went to my room before all the others got here and scared her away.

She'll meet the others eventually.

—Tiffany's POV —
"I'm gonna go see if I can use Brandon's computer" Cameron said.

"No, wait." I replied.

"Why?" He replied back.

"Brandon has his crush in there, we aren't going to embarrass him" I blurted out.

Brandon didn't want me to tell but I had to.

Cameron was going to go in there and ruin it for them.

We heard Brandon's door shut and they came out.

"Hey, we're gonna go walk" Brandon told me, I nodded.

— Hunter's POV —
I was in Tiffany's room laying down, I heard someone come in the door.

I saw it was Taylor.

"Hey" I sighed

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting in Tiffany's desk chair.

"Y'all leave in three days, I have to go back to a long distance relationship, it's like she's not even dating me half the time" I said truthfully.

"Look, when you actually love some body you'll put up with anything. Besides we'll be back in less than a month, on y'all's one year" he replied.

Tiffany walked in when he stopped talking.

"Hey, what were y'all talking about?" She asked.

"Nothing" Taylor said then walked out.

"Babe, Brandon went to walk with that girl" she said.

I nodded and pulled her toward me.

"I'm gonna miss you when y'all leave" I said sadly.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too" she replied.

I sighed.

— Tiffany's POV —
I've been debating wether or not to go back to magcon or stay here.

Nobody there will miss me, I stay back stage the whole time.

I've gotta talk to Taylor about it.


I finally got Taylor alone in the backyard to talk to him.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about me going back to magcon." I said.

"Okay" he replied.

— Taylor's POV —
She explained why she didn't want to go back to magcon.

"It's your choice, if you want to go then come with us, if you don't then don't, you're always allowed to come whenever you want" I replied.

I'll miss her to much if she didn't go, yes she stays back stage but I love having her there.

We went back inside and Brandon's friend Sydney was leaving.

— Brandon's POV —
We got back to the house and Sydney said her mom was on the way.

We went outside and we were talking waiting for her mom.

We were laughing and her mom pulled up in the drive way.

She left and I went inside, Hunter passed me and said he was going out.

I don't know where but he was in a hurry.


— Tiffany's POV —
Ashton and I were watching a movie in my room when he fell asleep.

It was ten and Hunter wasn't back yet, I went on Twitter.

I looked in my notifications and a bunch of people were tagging me in this one photo.

I looked at it and it was Hunter kissing Summer.

Taylor's ex Summer.

I got up and went downstairs.

"Taylor!" I yelled loud enough for him to hear me.

He came up from the basement.

"What" he asked

"You still dating summer?" I asked.


I showed him the picture of summer and Hunter kissing.

He went back downstairs and I went upstairs.

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