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*3 months later*
– Tiffany's POV –
"Damn best friend, you're gaining weight" my best friend Violet said.

She doesn't know I'm pregnant at all, nobody knows besides Hunter's family, my family and the magcon family.

"I know" I replied looking down at my belly.

I'm showing but people just think I'm gaining weight.

Hunter and I went to the doctor a few days ago to discover we're having only one baby.

We don't know the genders yet but we get to find that out next month.

– Taylor's POV –
I was walking down the hall when I saw Tiffany and her friend Violet.

I wonder if she told violet.

"Damn Taylor, your sister is getting bigger and it looks good on her" my friend Ryan said

I didn't say anything back, I just begun walking to 6th period.

I didn't hear anything the teacher was saying, I was just waiting for the bell.

Once the bell rang I got in my car and went home, I had to watch Tristen today.

– Hunter's POV –
I rode home with Tiffany today because I wanted her to come over.

We walked in my house and nobody was home, we wanted food so I made food.

"Babe" she said.

I looked back at her and saw she was sitting on the bar.


"Wanna discuss baby names" she asked.

"Of course, love"

"Having a baby at seventeen is a lot but I'm excited" she said.

I just smiled.

I'm excited too but we're seventeen.

"I like Kailyn Ariel, Ariela ( Ari-Ella) Tatum and Talyn ( Tay-Lynn ) Brylee (Bry-Lee) for q a girl" she said.

"I like Kailyn Ariel , Isabella ( Bella ) Grace and Ariela Tatum" I said truthfully.

"How bout Isabella"

– Tiffany's POV –
We decided on baby girl names, we just need boy names.

"I like Austin Hunter, Luke Michael and Blake Ryan" Hunter said.

"I like all of those too , guess we just have to wait another month to find out if we are gonna have a baby girl or baby boy.

"When are you starting online school because you're starting to show" he said touching my little baby bump.

"I know, I'll probably start next week I need to talk to my mom about it"  I said.

Just as I said that my mom called and said I needed to be home.

I got in the car and went home.

I got home and she told me I was starting online school starting Monday.

It's currently Tuesday so I have to finish the week.
💖 if I made a Chandler Riggs book who would read it? 💖
I'm gonna be updating but like the chapters will be like *3 months later* so like next chapter she'll be 6 months pregnant.

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