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Hunter's POV
I woke up and Tiffany wasn't in bed.

I stepped out of the bed but stepped on somebody.

It was Ashton, he woke up instantly.

"Don't step on me!" He yelled.

"Don't sleep on the floor next to the bed!" I yelled back.

He ran downstairs and I started walking downstairs.

He was on the couch covered in a blanket asleep again.

Tiffany was cooking breakfast.

It's currently 7AM.

"Babe, why are you awake?" I said laughing.

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep" she shrugged.

"Do you want me to wake up the boys?" I asked.

"Sure" she handed me two pans and I started hitting them together.

Soon everyone was lined up waiting for food.

Tiffany's POV
I let Ashton get food first because he looked sad.

Soon, we have to go back on tour for another two weeks but then we'll be back.

I honestly can't wait for the tour to end, I hate to admit it but I miss home.

I miss mom, I miss dad, I miss Tristen.

I miss walking home from school, and just the town.

It's amazing how when you aren't somewhere for awhile you come to miss it.

Even when you say you won't, you will.

Taylor will go places in life, I don't know about my life.

Brandon's POV
"Alright, now walk up to her and say you have to whisper sow thing to her then smash it in her face" Cameron said.

I walked up and tapped Tiffany on the shoulder, she looked at me.

"I have to tell you a secret , come here" I said.

She bent down so I can Whisper in her ear.

I smashed the icing on her face and she jumped back.

"Brandon Rowland!" She yelled and chased me.

I quickly took my phone out of pocket and threw it at Ashton.

I ran outside and all around the yard, she was still chasing me.

The pool , I thought , she won't go in there because she has her phone.

I quickly jumped in the pool and came back up. She was staring at me.

"Haha!" I yelled.

"Haha, your clothes are soaking wet!" She yelled back.

I didn't think of that...

I got out of the pool and Hunter handed me a towel.

I thanked him, dried off and changed clothes.


I looked at my phone, it was Hailey.

Hailey is a girl I've been talking to, texting and stuff.

She's also thirteen, she lives in Arizona too.

She went to my school when I did public school, we've been talking a lot more recently.

"Oooooh, who's Sydney?" Hunter sang, "Awe, does Brando have a girlfriend!" Tiffany yelled.

"No, she's just my friend" I said blushing.

Cameron's POV
So far staying at Taylor's has been good, the tour has been good, also.

The tour makes me realize a lot, I miss my sister and mom.

Everyone seems like my family now, though, I don't think I would change it.

The fans are my favorite, they're always supportive, no matter what.

They're honestly the best thing that has happened to me.

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