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– Hunter's POV –
Today we have magcon at eleven, I woke up and got ready.

I share a room with Brandon and Ashton so I made sure they were up then I woke up Tiffany.

I walked into her room and jumped on her bed till she woke up.

"Hunter, I love you but I swear if you don't get off I'll hurt you" she threatened.

"Oh, I'm so scared" I said laughing.

She got up and went to the bathroom with clothes.

– Tiffany's POV –
Hunter woke me up and I got clothes and went to the bathroom.

I didn't shower because I showered last night, i was informed that I'm gonna be on stage today.

I did my makeup, put my clothes on ( the outfit in the picture.) and did my hair. ( my actual hair in the picture)

After that I was ready and we went to set up for the event.

– Cameron's POV –
I was watching everyone put together stuff while I was helping mahogany with the music.

I noticed Tiffany and she was adorable, I know I should think that but I do.

She honestly is beautiful and Hunter is lucky to have her.

Nash walked up to me and started helping with our music also.


– Hayes' POV –
We were all on stage and someone dared Tiffany and I to have a handstand challenge.

We accepted, and we both did our handstands.

I ended up falling over after about five seconds and she stayed up.

Eventually she came down.

"Five years of gymnastics isn't bad, huh?" She asked.

We all started laughing.

"Better luck next time, Benjamin" she said.

"Hey, it's Hayes" I corrected.

"Benjamin" she replied.

We went back and forth till someone asked another question.

Eventually it came to a end and that was our last magcon tour stop for this year.

Back home tomorrow morning and I won't see everyone for a long time.


Nash woke me up and everyone was already awake.

We all grabbed our suitcases and went to the air port.

All of us were saying our goodbyes when our planes were calling.

We're all going different places, Nash and I back to North Carolina.

Hunter, Brandon , Ashton, Taylor and Tiffany back to Indiana.

Matthew back to Virginia.

Everyone is going back home, my friends, my family.

I'm going to to miss them until we all meet back in California in a few months.

– Hunter's POV –
We all made it home and I went to my house, I put my stuff down and we all ran to my mom.

We haven't seen her in awhile and we all miss her, we don't have our dad around.

When we got home we unpacked and caught up with mom.

– Tiffany's POV –
Taylor and I opened the front door and I saw Tristen.

I automatically ran to him and picked him up, it's amazing how much I missed him.

"Where's my hug" mom laughed.

I went and hugged her and so did Taylor.

Right after my phone went off.

BabyBoy💙- What are we doing for our one year tomorrow?

Me-What do you want to do?

BabyBoy💙- Whatever you want to do💗.

Me-"How about since we just got home today, come over tomorrow, we'll watch Netflix, do whatever then at night go to the beach? 😏 "

BabyBoy💙- Sounds perfect 😍😘

"Stop texting Hunter and come catch up with us" my dad laughed.

I put down my phone and did exactly that.
hope this was good and long enough ❤️ , I have testing started Monday 🙄, also follow my musical.ly- kennedyelizabeth2 , Instagram-Kennedy.elizabethh.

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