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– Hunter's POV –
Last night was amazing, one year with Tiffany.

I wouldn't take it back for anything, I don't regret anything.

Tiffany and I had sex last night...

I don't know how I feel about it because I was always taught don't have sex unless you're married.

Tiffany started waking up.

"Good morning beautiful" I said as she was waking up.

– Tiffany's POV –
As I was waking up I heard Hunter say "good morning beautiful"

"Morning, baby" I replied.

I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth and put my clothes on.

As soon as I was done I walked out of my bathroom and saw Ashton.

"Hey, will you swim with me?" He asked.

"Um, sure" I replied

– Taylor's POV –
I was talking to Hunter while Ashton, Brandon and tiffany were in the pool.

We were just talking about life and everything right now.

"Tay, get in!" Brandon yelled.

Hunter and I got up and jumped in.

We ended up playing water basketball and we let them win because we were on a team.

"Haha, 20 to 15" Tiffany bragged.

"Only because we let you win" I said back.

– guys, I'm sorry I didn't update in forever, I've been busy with school, grades and everything has just been hectic, I'll try harder, I promise. –

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