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– Tiffany's POV –
Taylor just got home and I have to tell him, I want to tell him first.

"Taylor!" I called from my room.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"Come here!" I yelled back and I heard him come up the stairs.

He came in my room and I closed my door.

"What?" He asked.

"When I tell you this you can't go telling mom or anyone." I said nervously.

– Taylor's POV –

"I'm pregnant" Tiffany said.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I'm pregnant" she said again.

"Holy shit, have you told mom, Hunter, dad?" I asked.

"I haven't told anyone" she replied .

My little sister is pregnant, I knew they had sex but I didn't expect her to get pregnant.

"Tiffany, you have to tell people, Hunter especially." I said.

"I know, I just don't want to tell mom and have her kick me out or something" she replied.

Our mom is strict about that stuff, also because she got pregnant with me at a young age she didn't want Tiffany turning out like that.

"I'll help you tell mom" I blurted out.

"Taylor, we have to tell her today, I told her that the doctors said it was just a virus"

We're gonna have to tell people when mom and dad are home.

Tristen isn't going to understand the term "pregnant" because he's six.

"Okay, dad doesn't get home till 5:30 and its 3:50 now, you have time to go over to Hunter's house and tell him." I said.

– Tiffany's POV –
I called Hunter to see if he was home and he was so I drove over there.

Once I got there I knocked and Brandon opened the door.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I need to talk to Hunter, where is he?" I asked.

"His room, you know here it's at." Brandon replied.

– Hunter's POV –
Ashton and I were talking when Tiffany came up.

She looked a little worried so I made Ashton get out.

I closed my door and we laid on my bed.

"Babe..." Tiffany started out.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Remember how about a month ago after our one year...y-you stayed the night" she said.

"Yes.." I replied.

"Well, I'm pregnant" she said.

"W-what" I replied.

She's pregnant... I'm gonna be a dad, we're only seventeen.

"I'm gonna be a dad..." I replied

"Yes, and I'm going to be a mom." She replied

"Have you told anyone?" I asked.

"Just Taylor"

– Taylor's POV –
Once Tiffany left mom came home.

"Where's your sister?" She asked.

"Hunter's" I replied.

"Call her and tell her she needs to come home, she's sick" mom told me.

I went outside and called Tiffany.

"Tiff, you need to come home and tell mom, she's already home"

"Fine, I'll be there soon" she replied.

Shortly after Hunter and her walked through the door and walked to the living room.

I walked in there with them and stood next to mom.

– Tiffany's POV –
Hunter and I walked through the door and walked into the living room.

My mom was in the living room and Taylor walked in and stood by her.

I looked at Hunter and he nodded his head.

Here goes nothing.

"Mom.... I'm pregnant." I said slowly.

Being Taylor Caniff's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now