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Hunter's POV
Today we're all in Indiana today, there's a meet and greet here.

Everyone is staying at Taylor and Tiffany's house.

Their parents nor siblings were home so we all had the house to ourselves.

I was staying because Tiffany and I want to spend a lot of time together.

Brandon and Ashton are here, Ashton is here because he wanted to see Tiffany.

My whole family loves her, Ashton and ran in and Tiffany was right behind him.

"Did you get it?" She asked, he nodded his head.

I don't know what they are talking about but I guess I'll find out.

Tiffany's POV
Ashton and I are in the bathroom getting shaving cream.

We're gonna smack cam Taylor and Ashton is going to record it.

"Did you get it?" I asked running into my room after Ashton.

I quickly shut my door and locked it so Taylor couldn't get in.

"Tiffany, open up the damn door!" Taylor yelled knocking on my door.

"There is a child in here, watch the profanity!" I yelled back.

Eventually the knocking stopped and I opened my door a little to peek out.

I felt a smack on my cheek and I gasped a little.

Hunter's POV
Tiffany and Taylor we're arguing, I honestly don't know what about yet.

"Tiff smacked cammed Tay" Ashton told me, Taylor's gonna get Tiffany back.

Eventually, Tiffany stuck her head out and I heard a gasp.

Taylor defiantly got her back, she turned her head in my direction.

Ashton and I busted out laughing.

"It's not funny!" She whined, "Yes, babe. It is" I said laughing.

"Help me get this off, Ashton" Tiffany said sticking her tongue out at me.

Ashton's POV
Let's pretend Ashton is 12 and Brandon is 14

"Help me get this off, Ashton" Tiffany said, I just nodded.

"Hunter, your girlfriend is mine now" I said raising my eyebrows.

They both laughed, "Try again when your eighteen" Hunter said.

"Believe me, I will" I replied, Tiffany is like my sister, I was just joking.

We walked into Tiffany's bathroom and I helped her get the shaving cream off.

"Thanks, little brother" she said.

I went downstairs where everyone was except Hunter and Tiffany.

Tiffany's POV
Hunter and I were cuddling and I was studying his freckles.

He has a lot on his face, his green eyes, black hair.

Lord, I'm so lucky to have him, I hope we have more years together.

"Babe" Hunter said, "Yes?"

"I love you" Hunter said.

"I love you too"

"Now, stop starring at me" he said laughing.

"I do what I want" I replied.

Taylor's POV
I went upstairs to check on Hunter and Tiffany, making sure she wasn't getting pregnant.

If she got pregnant and our parents were out of town they would blame me.

I walked into Tiffany's room, they were sleeping.

I took a picture and posted it on Instagram.

TaylorCaniff: they cute.

People were commenting already

Ew, they sleep together

Awe, I ship


How long have they been together?

That was majority, I turned off her tv and left the door open.

I let Ashton and Brandon sleep in Tristen's room.

The boys are in my room, guest room and living room.

I've got my parents room, we're here for a week, I'm not sure why.

We get more days off this week though, good thing though because my parents aren't home for a week.

It's 12:10 in the morning and I wrote this 😅👌🏼
Hope y'all like it, 100 reads, not a lot but thank y'all👑
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