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two days later
Taylor's POV
Summer doesn't know why I broke up with her.

I haven't been texting her back or answering any of her calls.

We didn't date long but it did hurt, she could've broke up with me if she wanted other guys.

Today is our last day in Georgia, I wish I could live in Georgia.

Next Magcon is in Nashville, Tennessee. Omf Tennessee is 😍😍😍 I love it.

We're going to be on the stage and meeting fans.

I love seeing the pictures on Instagram and Twitter after the events.

Tomorrow is a free day, we're all staying in Tennessee till tomorrow night.

We're all currently getting ready for today's magcon event.

Tiffany's POV
Taylor walked in to our room seeing if I was awake.

Luckily I was because I know nobody wanted to wake me up.

I decided to at least on my hair and makeup because I'm going to be on stage today.

I'm just going to be answering questions with everyone.


Cameron's POV
Tiffany looks really pretty today, I have feelings for her.

She's sixteen, I'm eighteen almost nineteen, I can't have feelings for her.

She has a boyfriend anyway, no way she would like me.

We just got done dancing, now time for answering questions.

"Please welcome, Tiffany Caniff to the stage!", Tiffany came running out.

All the fans cheered, "Time for questions" Nash said.

We all grabbed microphones.

Tiffany's POV
"Tiffany, where'd you get your clothes?" A fan asked, "Forever 21" I answered.

It feels weird being on stage, I don't see how the boys do it.

"Cameron, how is it being on tour?" Another fan asked, "Good, I'm with everyone I love and seeing all my fans" he answered.

Everyone else answered a bunch of questions, "Two more for Tiffany" someone said.

"How is it being Taylor Caniff's sister?" Someone asked, "Normal, I guess?" I answered.

Finally, my last one to answer.

"Do you miss me?" Someone asked, it sounded like Brandon.

Brandon's POV
Hunter and I are surprising Tiffany at the event today.

We are going with them to next stop because it's Indiana, also where we live.

It was finally my turn to ask a question, I'm excited.

"Do you miss me?" I said into the microphone, I started walking up.

"Brandon?" She asked, "Yes" I said and walked up the middle so she could see me.

She covered her mouth and ran to me, she hugged me.

"Where's Hunter?" She asked, "Backstage" I said.

She ran back stage.

"Brandon!" Everyone yelled, I walked on stage.

"How do they know you?" Hayes asked, "I younow" I replied.

Hunter's POV
Tiffany ran backstage and hugged me.

"I missed you so much" she said into my shoulder.

"I missed you more" I said truthfully

Finally, I had my girl in my arms again.

Awe, the ending was cute.

Q- does it snow where you live?


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