#1. Celebration

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Your POV

"Happy Birthday Alluka!" Everyone chorused and cheered. We popped party poppers and blew noise makers. In addition there was a colossal feast I prepared along with a big cake, but we aren't gonna eat it until the birthday girl blows out the candles and that's not until later.

"Onii-chan, you are the best! You got all of my online friends here!" Alluka squealed!

"It's no big deal," Killua said humbly. "And besides, I can't take all the credit, (y/n) helped too." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in.

"Thank you so much, Nee-chan! I love you both!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around us both, giving us a greaf bear hug. She then ran off to play and chat with some of her friends.

Killua and I spent months secretly planning Alluka's surprise birthday party. She was turning twelve and we didn't want to invite just our friends again because we wanted to make this her party, so I had to do some snooping around. When she started her fan club when we first got to the heavens arena, I noticed that she was going on the computer more or on her phone. I took a quick look and she gained a ton a friends on the internet. After finding that out, we contacted the people she chatted with most and asked them to come, we even payed for their trip to get here and back. It was pretty easy since we gained a lot of cash from matches. In the end we got over half of her friends to come. After we finished inviting people, we had to decide on where we were going to have the party. We snooped some more around the heavens arena and found a vacant room that was large enough and rented it out. We even hired a professional DJ and we decorated everything ourselves with streamers, balloons, and confetti. In the end it was all worth it to make Alluka happy.

"We did great on the party, Killua." I smiled at him. We've been dating for a few months now, we go out for lunch and catch every now and then. We've been taking it slow and steady and I couldn't be any happier.

"Yeah, and it didn't even cost that much," Killua released a quick breath of relief and satisfaction.

"We'll we did have the best catering for free," I said, jokingly complementing myself.

He laughed and gave me a quick hug, "The food tastes amazing, and I love you for that."

Suddenly a little girl, maybe a few years younger than Alluka came up to us. "Hi, I'm really big fans!" She said with a soft voice. "Can I get your autographs?"

We both blushed and smiled at the little girl. Considering that we found most of Alluka's guest on the fan page she made for us, we should have seen this coming. We kindly signed a napkin for her and Killua even offered to take a picture.

"Umm I honestly don't do pictures very well." I said sheepishly.

"You're just being shy," Killua said teasingly. "I have a bunch of really cute pictures of you. You're even cute when you're sleeping." He rummaged through his phone for a good example.

"What? When did you?" I said with my face flushed. He quickly showed me a picture of the night we road the ferris wheel together. "Delete it!!" I whined.

The little girl laughed at our mindless banter and in the end we did end up taking a picture. Even though I thought I looked bad, I still enjoyed it. This little girl was happy and anyone who looked at the cuteness on the girl's face couldn't help but smile.

The rest of the night was a blast. We all laughed and danced and enjoyed cake and ice cream. And for entertainment, Gon, Killua, and I each put on a little show. Not because we were to cheap to hire professional entertainers, We just thought it would be more special if we did it ourselves. The two boys worked together to make up their own little comedy act, being able to make everyone laugh, they ended it where Gon got to surf the crowd and Killua took a grand bow. They got a standing ovation along with much laughter from the audience. Following there performance, I did my own show where I sang a little song along with my guitar.

After my song, I was crowded by almost every person we invited. I was always a fangirls like the rest of them that it felt weird being on the other end of the stick. I was praised so much, I almost felt like a pop star. When I managed to escape the swarm of human bodies, I found Killua and the others.

"That was amazing!" Killua greeted me with a big hug. "I had no idea you were so talented. Is there anything you can't do?"

"You flatter me too much," I said modestly. "It's not that big of a deal, I wasn't that good."

"Are you kidding? You have the best voice I have ever heard! Well maybe Melody beats you, but your still amazing!"

I laughed at both of them, "Thanks."


By the time the party was over, everyone was tired. Everyone who could went home and the others who had to fly over were staying the night so we rented out some rooms for them. The aftermath of the party was horrible, but it was definitely evidence of that we all had a good time. As the guests left and Gon took Alluka to her room to sleep, Killua and I stayed behind to clean up.

As we were sweeping up loose streamers and confetti I started up a conversation. "I'm gonna say it one more time, this party was amazing!" I repeated just to complement ourselves on the hard work we did.

"Yeah, this is the best party I've been too," Killua said with a sigh of happiness. "And Alluka had a blast. Did you see her face when she found out all of her online friends were here?"

I smiled real big, "Yeah! It was priceless! It's gonna be hard to top this next year."

Killua chuckled and leaned against his broom. "You got that right. Next year we are gonna go big or go home!"

We both laughed at took in the once energetic atmosphere around us, now calm and the air lingered with happiness and laughter.

"I hope it's always like this." Killua said dreamily.

I paused for the slightest moment, "I don't know, I was thinking a change in scenery would be nice every once in a while."

He raised an eyebrow. "What are you thinking of?"

"I have some family I want to visit. My aunts house, the place where I grew up. It's been a while and I want you to meet them."

We were almost done cleaning up. He set down his broom and held me close. He leaned in, smiling, with a soft voice he said, "That sounds perfect."

I smiled and jumped for joy. "There is never a boring day with my family!"

AN: Hello you beautiful creatures!!

Welcome to the first chapter of  my new book, I'm Yours! As you should already know, this is a sequel to my first book Be Mine! If you didn't know, I suggest you go read the first book now!

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think!

❤️See you next time!🍉

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