#4. Ninjas

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Killua's POV

The man was tall and had a very short hair. He looked so familiar but I just couldn't remember him. But he could obviously remember me. "Killua's it's so good to see you again!" He said cheerfully. "He extant his hand for me to shake it and I awkwardly excepted.

Who the fuck is this guy?! I started feeling guilty for not remembering his name.

"You two know each other?" (Y/n) asked, with her head tilted ever so slightly, just like a puppy or kitten.

Goddamnit! Now is not the time to be distracted by her cuteness. I still can't remember anything about this guy.

"Yeah! We met at the hunters exam!" The tall man replied.

"Oh yeah! Now I remember! You're that guy!" I said happily.

His facial expression dropped. "You can only remember as, 'That guy?' Do you even know who I am?"

I hesitated, "Well you're the guy that broke Gon's arm..."

"You broke Gon's arm?!" (Y/n) said surprised.

The man's expression changed because of the guilty memories but he quickly counter my comments. "Well you killed that random guy which made you fail!"

"That isn't important right now!" I shot back.

"You can't even remember my name!" He said.

"I can remember that you've grown hair since we last met," I teased.

(Y/n) and Alluka snickered in the background.

"You nearly ruined my chances of becoming a hunter!"

"I don't remember this!"

"Just like my name. You threw away the badge I was after."

"It's not my fault your blunt."

The guy and I quarreled like this for a while and it seemed pretty entertaining to (y/n) and Alluka. Finally she decided to end it when she got bored of us.

"Okay okay, since you still can't remember, His name is Hanzo." (Y/n) said. "He is my cousin."

"Don't forget it this time!" Hanzo sneered.

"Fine," I muttered.


The next day (y/n) and Hanzo took us on a tour. After (y/n) introduced us to the rest of her family and show us the rest of her home, Hanzo promised to show us his country.

(Y/n) showed us to one person after another. It seemed like there was no end. How many cousins can one person have? She explained that, "I have four aunts and three uncles." Which made a bit more sense. If each aunt and uncle had s bunch of kids, then your gonna have a lot of cousins. But these parents must of been busy.

"I wonder where the twins are..." (Y/n) muttered to herself.

"Who?" I asked of curiosity.

"Oh no one you need to meet right away. They'll show up eventually." She replied.

We walked down the hall way and was suddenly attacked. It went down so fast I didn't realize anything happened. A girl ambushed us and (y/n) defended herself with a katana. Where did she get the Katana?!

"It's been a while sis." The attacker said. She had long dark hair and had a small resemblance to (y/n). "You're still as quick as ever."

"Thanks!" (Y/n) said with a smile, she wasn't trying very hard. "You've improved."

After that they calmed down and she introduced herself to us formally.

"I'm Iris," she greeted kindly with a smile, bowing her head. (Y/n) told us how Iris was her best friend and they did everything together here. They were so close they called each other sis.

"Okay that explains that but where did the swords come from?" I asked surprised.

She raised her eyebrows. "This is a house of ninjas. There are hidden weapons literally every where." To show us what she meant she pulled a dagger out of nowhere.

I'll have to keep that in mind.

We walked a bit more touring the huge property, meeting anyone we came across. Everyone in this place had their own unique personality. We ran into Hanzo again in what seemed to be a training area.

"How do you like it here so far?" He greeted.

"It's really cool here, everything seems so fun." I answered.

As we chatted, two guys dashed toward (y/n). I almost went into defense mode thinking it was another attack but I was wrong. The two of them grabbed (y/n)'s hands and started serenading her.

"(Y/n) it's been forever since we've seen you. Destiny has brought us together once again!" One of them said.

The other one wraps his arm around her shoulder and says, "I can't believe it's actually you. You're as beautiful as ever."

That's the part where I step in. "Hey! Hands off!" I say pulling her away from the boys and wrapping both of my arms around her protectively. "She's mine!"

(Y/n) laughed hysterically, "They're fine, they're my cousins too. They love to joke around and They are the biggest flirts." I relaxed a bit. Taking a closer look at them, they both had dark navy blue hair and silver eyes. There was almost nothing to tell them apart, besides the fact that they were wearing different colored hoodies. (Refer to the picture) "This is Kaden and this is Kian. As you can see, they're identical twins and just a year younger than us.

"Yeah you might wanna be careful around them, they like to play pranks." Hanzo warned.

"Got it." I replied.

Alluka tugged at my shirt and whispered to me, "What's with this family? What's in their genes? Everyone here is so beautiful."

Not long after that we met a young boy, about Alluka's age. He seemed really shy but greeted (y/n) with a hug just like everyone else. The boy had matching dark blue hair to the twins, although his hair was just a shade lighter.

"This is Calix. He's one of the youngest students here and my distant cousin." (Y/n) smiled. The small boy whispered something in her ear and she than said, "He is really quite and timid but he hope to get along with you."

Alluka smiled at him and he blushed and looked away. I was gonna have to keep my eye on him. Calix glanced back at her causing Alluka to blush as well. All this blushing and they just met. I'm gonna have to keep a very close eye on them.

AN: Hello you beautiful creatures!!

So for anyone who guessed Hanzo was your relative, congrats because you're right!

*hugs people who got it right*

Does anyone else start to ship Calix and Alluka? We can call them Caluka. Or maybe Allix?

And did anyone else think of Hikaru and Karou from Ouran Host Club when you found out about Kaden and Kian? Because I did. They may or may not have been based off those characters.


Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think!

❤️See you next time!🍉

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