#6. Lets Have Some Fun

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Your POV

"Hey, Auntie Anya!" I greeted her as I walked in. I started helping her do the laundry. "Is my old room still here?" I asked casually. I've been back for three days and I've been sleeping in some of the extra rooms that we keep for travelers.

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Every thing is still in tack." She folded the towels neatly. "I'm glad you brought this up. When you arrived we met your friends and we decided to make some more rooms in addition to yours. They got to work fast and finally finished it. It's like a huge apartment now so all your friends can stay there."

My eyes sparkled. "Really?! Thank you so much!" I gave her a big hug. "But what's the catch?"

Auntie chuckled. "Of course you know us too well. Nothing is free, as you know, and we expect you to just help around the estate. Nothing big, just some normal chores."

I laughed. "It's a deal!" We continued to fold the laundry and one last thought came to my mind. "No one entered my room, right?"

"The twins might have tried snooping in there while I wasn't looking." She said in thought.

"I'm gonna have to yell at them for that." I chuckled to myself.


When I got done with the laundry I found Killua and the others. I explained that we get our own private rooms. Just as long as we helped here and there. Quin didn't like the idea of actual labor but every one else was fine with the idea.

"Let's go check out our rooms!" I said joyfully.

When we got there we all settled in our rooms. Auntie came by to tell us that everyone gets separate rooms. Girls got one side of the hallway while guys got the other. Killua's room was just across from mine.

Once Killua was done packing he came to my room to check up on me. He found me sprawled across my old bed with a big smile on my face.

"Everything is just the way I left it!" I exclaimed.

"They made this building in three days?" He asked impressed.

"Everything except this room." I sat up on my bed and felt the nostalgia around me. I got up and walked towards my closet. Deep inside I found the cleverly hidden loose board on the wall. I pushed it out of the way and smiled.

"What are you doing?" Killua asked.

"My secret supply! My glorious food that is not meant to be shared. The twins have been trying to find it for years. You're the only exception." I beamed, moving my body so he could see the refrigerator that I've kept in my closet. I pulled out some sodas and some some cookies. They were still good after all these years. "I always hid a bunch of food to snack on. Your the only one that knows about this so don't tell anyone!"

Killua smiled and happily accept the junk food.


We walked down a small dirt path that passed the dormitories and school. Walking along I saw the huge tower I would use to play in and smiled. I twirled around at Killua and said, "Wanna do something fun?"

I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the tower. It was a huge watch tower that hasn't been used in years. We turned the top of it into a hangout and one of the only ways to get up is this huge spiral staircase. When we finally got to the top, the others were already there. The twins were with Quin and Cole along with Iris.

"Awesome you're all here!" I exclaimed. "The more the merrier!"

"What are you talking about." Cole asked.

"Cart racing!" The twins chorused cheerfully. The others looked at them blankly as Kian explained further and Kaden demonstrated. "We each take a wooden cart and climb inside them. We position ourselves at the edge of the stairs and on the count of three, we push ourselves down. It's a bumpy ride, every time you turn there is 150 more steps waiting for you, there are 7 turns in total. And you have to make sure you get the turns, or else you get out of the race and you run into a wall. The first one to make it to the bottom wins!"

Everyone looked pretty interested in this game we made up long ago. "So we push ourselves down a staircase of 1050 steps just to climb back up them again?" Cole asked. We nodded blankly.

"That sounds stupid." Quin sneered. Her expression lightened and she smiled. "Let's do it."

Maybe we could get along better than I thought, I chuckled to myself.

"What happens if we win?" Killua asked grinning.

"Well if you do by chance win, you get full access to the pantry and first dibs on all meals and food for a week." Iris explained. "But that chance is impossible. No one can win this on their first try. It was (y/n) who would always win, but now we have a good three years a head of her." Iris turned to me and grinned. "I hope you didn't get lazy while you were gone."

I smirked. "Didn't your attack the other day establish that?"

We each got into a wooden crate and position ourselves at the stairs. We said the words that would start the race:




And we all started sliding down the endless staircase. I leaned forward to gain speed and saw the first turn. The easiest way to turn was to grab the railing and swing your weight around. I was in the lead but Kian, Kaden, and Iris were close behind me. Each stair caused a big bump so it was almost impossible to talk normally.

Although I heard Iris say, " Not today, sis!"

We were all neck and neck. Each of us doing everything we can to win. Even Killua, Cole, and Quin weren't doing bad. They stayed closed behind us. We were all on the last flight of stairs. But just as we turned, one of us tripped. We wouldn't have been able to tell who tripped first but this caused one of the biggest domino effects. On after another, we all tumbled down the stairs, falling out of our carts and colliding into each other. Once everything stopped we moving we were all piled up on the floor.

"Is everyone okay?" I said a bit shaken up. Everyone was just a bit dizzy from the impact and rushing down all the stairs at high speeds. We all looked like we just got in a car wreck, which was kinda true. I released a chuckle. "That. Was. Amazing." I said between snickers.

Everyone joined me and within seconds we were all piled on top of each other laughing our butt's off.

"Let's do that again," We laughed.

AN: Hello you beautiful creatures!!

So I really really really want to go sliding down stairs in a bucket. Like honestly how fun is that. Usually it doesn't end without some pain because usually they don't work like planned but still. It would be fun. Am I the only that thinks this? Lol anyway....

Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

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❤️See you next time!🍉

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