#8. Clean Vs Dirty

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Quin's POV

One thing that most people wouldn't guess about me is that I'm a clean freak. A small mess when your having fun is okay but I just like things clean. I just don't understand how people live in such disgusting conditions.

When I first came to my new room it was smaller than I expected. Although, I shouldn't have been surprised since these people don't have a since in style. Everything was so old fashioned it was like living in a different century. But what I noticed was that there was actually more to it than just our rooms. There was a kitchenette and two luxurious bathrooms with a huge tubs. There was also an upstairs that held a living area, including a flatscreen tv and karaoke machine.

I plopped my self down on the couch and spread out my limbs, making myself comfortable. I almost drifted off to sleep when a smelt a nauseous oder.

"What is that?" I muttered in disgust.

I followed the stink throughout the building. I found my way to Cole's room. I opened his door and nearly puked. We have only been here for three weeks and he managed to make his room look like this! There was stains on the walls and trash scattered on the floor. Rotten food, dirty laundry, and unidentifiable substances made their mark in his room.

"What has Cole been doing in the past few weeks?!" I said to no one.

I instantly started cleaning. It took about an hour of work but I was so satisfied when I was done. At least now it didn't look like a pig threw up sewage all over.

With the smell gone I was finally able to relax.


Cole's POV

When I got to the house I was really tired. All morning I was going around running tasks for Anya. It was part of the conditions we had to stay here. I opened my bedroom door and was aghast. My room was invaded and cleaned. My room was fine before, I had my own system of how everything worked. Now everything was messed up!

"Who did this?" I said in disgust.

"I did." Quin's voice said from behind me.  "You room was disgusting!"

"That was my habitat! How would you like it if I went into your room and rearranged everything?" I said.

"You have no reason to do that. My room is perfectly clean." She retorted.

I growled at her and walked away.


Later that day, I met up with Killua and the twins. I told them about my room and how upset I was about it. Although Killua didn't seem to see the problem.

"What's wrong with having a girl clean your room?" Killua asked. "I wouldn't mind if (y/n) started cleaning up after me, but that's a bit too much to ask for."

On the other hand, the twins fully supported me. They said, "Are you kidding?! It's an invasion of privacy! We need to stay a messy to be considered men!"

"That's right!" I agreed. "Girls need to respect us! And until they do so, this means war."

Killua was disdain to the devilish smile on our faces but he quickly gave in. We managed to convince him to join us and we quickly made a plan.


Quin's POV

After I came back from doing chores I went back up to my room. When I opened my door I was shocked to see what happened. My room was completely trashed! And I know who was responsible for this.

I called Iris and Alluka for a meeting. And they both agreed that it was the wrong move to do that to me. Not only that, but we also found out that the boys trashed their rooms as well.

"We need to retaliate!" I said.

"I agree! But shouldn't we get (y/n) to help us?" Iris nodded. "She's usually really good when it comes to this stuff. And we're out numbered with out her."

I really didn't want to ask her for help. I kinda refused to. "We don't need her, we can do this on our own!" I crossed my arms and stood firmly. "Now here's what we're gonna do."


Your POV

Although I wasn't part of it, I knew what was going on, and I was glad I stayed out of it. The next couple of days was complete chaos. The entire house was a battle field. Each side was getting creative with their attacks. I somehow managed to stay as a neutral party. I was surprised when Quin asked me for help.

"You must be really desperate to win." I said. "You would rather die than come to me."

"That is true," She agreed. "But I would rather die than lose and I don't feel like dying."

"I'm honored by your offer, but I'd rather not. This is your mess." I refused politely.

"Fine," she said frustrated. "We'll beat them some other way."

As she walked away, I made my way to the kitchen. As far as I knew, it was one of the only safe spots. I found a snack to eat in the fridge but as I closed the fridge, I was attacked.

If it was a normally attack I could have avoided it in a heart beat. It just wasn't a normal attack. I was tackled and fell to the ground. In addition to the bizarre attack I was also caught of guard by the numbers. There was more than one. I struggled to move but ropes were being tied around my wrists and ankles. I thrashed around in a panic but it was too late.

I was captured.

AN: Hello you beautiful creatures!!

This chapter was just...I can't even... Not sure if it's really good or really bad but I honestly love it. I mean, what's not to love? And that ending was just.... Um... Wow....

Haha anyway, I'm working on part two of this chapter now and I hope it's out soon.

Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think!

❤️See you next time!🍉

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