#23. Are You Ready?

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Lemony scenes ahead.
Please stop reading if you wish to keep your innocence.

Or not... I'm not gonna stop you.

(If you made it this far you probably don't have any left anyway...
No offense...
Just Kidding XD)

Narrator's POV

The two of them ran into their hotel room and dropped their things. They were both excited for their honeymoon. The young couple decided to go to a beautiful place that had everything they needed. Warm weather, a beach nearby, good food. It was calm and relaxing.

(Y/n) looked out the window where they had a great view of the city below them. She took a breath of the fresh air a said to her lover, "What should we do first?"

He stretched his limbs, "I don't know, I'm still a little tired from the plain."

"Oh come on," She pouted. "We gotta do something! We just got here!"

A sly smirk appeared on Killua's face. "Well I did have something in mind." He walk over to to the girl and wrapped his arms around (y/n)'s waste, hugging her and looking into her eyes.

Her expression matched his, She knew exactly where he was going with this. "Go on..."

He closed the window blinds behind her and gave her a deep kiss. "Did I ever tell you how sexy you are?" He looked his wife up and down, she was wearing a white blouse that showed her beautiful figure  and some shorts that showed off her long goddess like legs.

"Oh, please you flatter me to much." She blushed.

"It's my right to flatter you. You're my beautiful wife and you deserve only the best." He kissed her again and then continued talking. "But really, don't get mad at me for saying the truth but, you have such a nice ass and some nice boobs too. It makes me so happy that you're mine."

"Killu... Mmmnn." (Y/n) melted as he kissed her once again. He licked her bottom lip for permission to enter, She gladly accepted.

He broke away, looking to her eyes once more he asked, "Are you ready?"

The girl nodded eagerly and they kissed once more. (Y/n) wrapped her legs around Killua's waist while He walked into the room. Their lips intertwined as he pushed her up against the wall. As they broke away to breath, he playfully kissed her neck.

She giggled, "It tickles." This only encouraged Killua and he continued to do so until he found her sweet spot.
"Killua," (y/n) gasped. He used his tongue to play at it, making her moan, the sound turned Killua on.

He brought her to the bed, She was on her back while he was on top of her. His chest pressed against her breasts and his thighs in between her own. His hand slid up her shirt but she stopped him on instinct. He looked at her surprised.

"S-sorry. I'm a little nervous. This is the first time I've done this kind of thing." She said in a small voice.

Killua laughed, "That makes two of us."

(Y/n) rolled my eyes and smiled, "Wow, we're that kind of couple."

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing." He smirked.

"Whatever," she laughed.

"Shall I continue?" His smirk widened.

She attacked his lips with hers, their tongues now battled for dominance. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Killua's neck and let her hands get lost in his large mass of silver hair. Killua's hands ran up my slender body and he stopped at the first button of her blouse.

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