#17. Help me

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Alluka's POV

A few weeks past since (y/n) went into comatose. It took a couple of days for me to find out, but eventually I overheard the others talking about it. It's been quiet without her. What used to be a cheery atmosphere grew stale and unchanging. When you walked around, everyone still greeted you with kind smiles but there was always some kind of sadness behind them all. I guess having (y/n) gone affected all of us. But the person who had the most trouble dealing with it was my brother. 

I haven't seen him smile ever since the incident. A lot of things about him changed and I didn't really like it. I would always see him waking up tired and always looking down on things. His personality became cold he just wasn't the same. But the thing that probably worried me most was that he hasn't gone to see (y/n) once. It's been two months now and Killua hasn't gone near her. I couldn't understand what he was feeling, but it was eating him away and it scared me.

"Are we doing this again?" Cole said irritated.

"Just a little bit longer." Quin scorned.

I sat in the kitchen with the others waiting for my brother, looking down at my plate full of food. We would usually eat breakfast all together and we have always waited for him to join us. We would only eat until it got too late and by then our food would already be cold.

"But I'm hungry now!" The boy whined, slamming his hands on the table and standing up. "You know he's not gonna come! He hasn't ever since (y/n) died! I'm tired of waiting for him."

"Hey don't be like that. You know that every one has been under a lot of pressure lately, especially Killua!" She stood up too, to meet eyes with Cole. Quin's face contorted with sadness. "And (Y/n) isn't dead! She is just sleeping."

"Since when were you the nice one?" Cole retorted. He sat back down a crossed his arms. 

Quin looked back at him with shock. She sunk back down into her seat and with a small voice she said, "Ever since every one else got mean."

Silence filled the room. High tension in the atmosphere. Everyone else has changed too. Quin matured a bit and Cole gained a bad temper. The twins didn't play anymore pranks and Iris worked a lot harder around the house. Calix was always there to comfort me but I had no idea what to do about anything.

"Five more minutes." Cole said in a cold tone.

Quin looked at him with big eyes. "What?"

"I'll wait five more minutes." You could hear the anger in his voice. "If he isn't down here by then, I'm gonna go ahead and eat and I don't care what anybody else thinks."

Quin nodded. "Thank you."

The five minutes passed. He never showed up.


Later that day, I ran into Iris. "We should all go visit (Y/n)," I suggested. Everyone had conflicting emotions about the idea, but we all wanted to go. "It's  been about a three days since we've seen her. Who know's she just might wake up." It was just wishful thinking.

Later that day, my brother found me. We were just about to leave to see (Y/n). I thought he was gonna come with us finally. I was wrong.

"Alluka," He looked desperate. Like he was fragile almost, about to break. "I need a favor from Nanika."

"What?" I looked at him with wide eyes. Out of all the times to ask this, why now? 

"Please," He dropped to his knees on the verge of tears. "I can't take this anymore."

" I thought (Y/n) specifically asked us to not let Nanika-"

He stood up and grabbed the collar of my shirt. "Please!" He screamed. 

I gasped out of fear. This is the first time brother ever acted like this. I froze up, I didn't know what to do.

"Hey!" It was Cole's voice. He came up from behind and pushed my brother away. He crashed on the table behind him. Cole snapped at him, "Don't you dare lay a finger on her!"

"Onii-chan..." I whispered weakly. 

He stood back up, facing Cole. "No! I need her to bring (Y/n) back!"

"You heard (Y/n)! You can't do that. If you do, then your brother is gonna come back and all of our fighting from before will just be a waste." Cole's tone was as sharp as a knife. His voice started to trail off. "(Y/n)'s suffering would just be a waste.

An odd silence filled the air. Along with it, a great tension. Cole scanned the room with a wild look in his eyes. He took deep breaths to calm himself down. Once he cleared his mind, he came up to me and rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Come on. Let's  go."


When  we came home, Onii-chan was sitting on the couch. He was hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands bolstering his head. He looked like he was thinking hard about something. 

When he noticed me, he greeted me with a weak smile. Although,  I think he was trying to be comforting. 

I sat down across from him and waited for him to say something.

His face changed from his weak attempt at being consoling to an expression that was very serious. It was almost scary.

"Alluka." He said softly, "I'm sorry."

I didn't know what to say in return.

"I would never mean to hurt you," He continued. "I've just been a bit lost lately... I know everyone can tell. I wanna try and change. I don't wanna be like this anymore. I want to be happy again." I swear I saw a tear go down his face. "Please... Forgive me."

I  moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his slouching figure. "It's okay. I forgive you."

AN: Hello you beautiful creatures!!

*Sigh* Such Tragedy. Much cry. 

Ummmm... I'm kinda stuck here. Don't really know what to say.... IDEK. Let's just be random, Anyone out there like Supernatural? Very good show! umm... ok. I'll go now.

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think!

❤️See you next time!🍉

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