#15. Im Sorry

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Your POV

I could barely breath, my throat felt like it exploded from screams of agony. My screams was the only things I could hear. Along with the taunting from Illumi that echoed through my brain. I couldn't move, I didn't want to move. Every simple move I made shot pain shooting through every inch of my body. My hands were pierced with needles pinning them to the wall above my head. My body was covered with cuts and bruises. Needles skewered my body. Fresh blood flowed down my body from open wounds that were never given a chance to heal.

I couldn't think straight. The mental torture was killing me just as much as the physical torture. How long has it been? It felt like eternity. It felt like Hell. It was cold. Everything around me was getting darker.

I wanted to sleep. Would that be okay? Would I be able to wake up? Would I want to wake up? I'd rather die than open my eyes to more pain. Now that I think about it, that didn't seem like a bad idea. I could sleep and everything could get better. I closed my eyes and instantly knew that sleep would be impossible.

I needed someone to save me.

Killua's POV

I dropped to my knees once I saw her. I could barely recognized her. She looked like a broken doll. All color was drained from her skin. Her eyes reflected all the pain she went through. She wasn't moving.

How could I let things come to this? It was all my fault.

I felt tears run down my face.

"Ki- Killua?"

It was the faintest sound, but I was able to hear it. It was (y/n).

"You're alive," I whispered.

Your POV

His whispers were enough to bring me back to reality. Enough to give me hope.

I couldn't move my head to actually look up at him, but I was so happy to see him again.

"Of course I'm alive." I said in my old cheerful, sarcastic tone. Or I at least tried to sound that way. My voice was still week and almost inaudible. "It took you long enough."

Tears rolled down his face. "I'm so sorry."

Killua's POV

I tried to remove the needles, but I didn't want to make it worse for her. I was at least able to get the ones pinning her to the wall off.

She couldn't move a single muscle, when I freed her arms, her limbs fell down lifelessly. She looked at me closely once I had her in my arms.

"Killua, you're hurt." She said weakly.

I touched the side of my head and realized I was bleeding. It was from when I was fighting my brother just moments ago.

I looked back at hear and laughed half heartedly. "You're one to talk." I saw the corners of her mouth just barley point up, that was all she could do to smile. I looked at her with a tint of sadness in my eyes, "I'll get you some help."

I moved as fast as I could. I couldn't move too fast or I'd end up hurting (Y/n). But if I moved to slow, Illumi was gonna catch up with us, those rocks weren't gonna gold him forever.

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