#5. Why are You Here?

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Killua's POV

It was about lunch time so we started heading over to the dining hall. All of the ninja students were eating to but we got to eat at (y/n)'s house. We stopped in the kitchen first.

"Do you want any help with the food?" (Y/n) offered Anya.

"Oh sure!" Anya kindly replied, "I'm making curry so you can definitely help."

"Woah! It smells so good!" I praised, "This must be where (y/n) gets her cooking skills." I stood over the boiling pot of curry and inhaled it's delicious fragrance. I scooped some up with my finger and snuck a taste of the marvelous dish but within a fraction of a second a knife was thrown at me. My eyes widened, seeing how close it was. I looked over and saw Anya with a mean glare.

"If you're gonna stay here than help. Don't eat everything." She growled.

I stood there a little shaken up. She wad super nice just a second ago! I looked at (y/n) who had a sheepish smile on her face.

"I guess I should've warned you... We aren't allowed to eat until it's served. Sneaking a taste is against the rules." She explained.

I released a sigh, resting my hands on the back of my neck. "Well then I guess I'll wait in the kitchen. I have no cooking talent whatsoever."

I exited the kitchen and entered a new room. There wasn't a big fancy table
At the center like you would expect. Just a small casual kotatsu. It looked nice cozy and warm. For such a rich family, they live pretty normal lives.

As I walked in I noticed a person sitting at the other end of the table. He had dark hair that covered the right side of his face and his eyes were a cold color of purple. He wore dark clothing and made me furious at the sight of him. Cole.

Your POV

"Oh by the way, more of your friends are here." Auntie Anya said.

"Friends?" I said surprised, "I'm not expecting someone to come over."

"Well one of them's waiting in the-"

We heard a loud crash from the dining room and I got this sinking feeling in my stomach. We rushed over only to find Killua trying to attack Cole. Why is he here? I had to stop Killua from killing him  before I could even think.

"Hey!" I screamed, getting in the middle of them and pushing them apart. "What is going on?"

Cole was the fist one to answer, " All I was doing is sitting here, waiting for the food to get ready, and this monkey started to attack me."

"I am not a monkey!" Killua shouted. "You shouldn't even be here anyway. You aren't welcome anywhere around us."

"I didn't know you were here! It's not like I followed you! I was kicked out of the only home I ever had. I decided to get a fresh new start." For the first time I noticed that he looked a lot different. His hair was shorter now, it was still long, but it didn't cover all of his face. And although he still was wearing the same dark colors he always wore, he seemed more simple and relaxed. It looked like nothing changed, but everything about him seemed different. "I didn't know what to do so I came here. Since (y/n) was raised here I thought I could find some kind person to help me or find some place to stay."

Tension was rising. Killua was about to say something and Cole was ready to counter it but I cute them both off.

"It's fine!" I said. "I haven't been able to forgive you just yet but I'm not one to hold grudges for long. I don't care anymore." I released a breath of relief. Now at least they weren't fighting anymore. I couldn't tell if everything I said was true. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to forgive Cole or if I'm actually fine with Cole staying around. But he had no where else to go, what was I supposed to do?

I began to walk back into the kitchen but I stopped mid-step. Turning on my heals, I looked back at Cole. "My aunt said 'friends' when she told me you were here. Who else is with you?"

Cole looked away sheepishly. "I probably shouldn't say."

I then had this urge to cling on to Killua. Just as I attached to his arm, the door swung open. I clenched my teeth and held onto Killua as though my life depended on it. I controlled myself and managed not to let my blood lust seep out of me.

"Jeez, everything here is so old fashioned." The girl with dark hair and eyes the color of fire, said. She hasn't even done anything and I'm about to explode. How could someone be so obnoxious and self centered?

She saw Killua and smirked, "Did you miss me so much that you had to follow me?" She noticed me clutching onto him. "I'm sorry but it looks like you got something gross stuck to your arm."

I could feel the veins popping out of my head. Although I wasn't releasing any aura, I was radiating rage. A worried expression appeared on Cole and Killua's face. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. "Ha ha ha." I said slowly in a mocking manner. "So immature." I released Killua's arm and straitened my posture. "I'm sorry but I can only tolerate one person I hate at a time so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

She twirled around and sat down in a chair, crossing her legs and folding her arms like some kind of lame, Mean Girls parody. "I'm not leaving this place. There's nothing you can do to stop me." She paused and grinned. "What's wrong? You think I'm gonna steal your boyfriend?"

This is the part where I snapped.  She was literally flirting with him five seconds ago. I attacked her with my claws and my mind went blank with rage. If I could just get my hands on her, I would have ripped her limb from limb. Unfortunately, Killua tackled me, keeping me from ending her life. I nearly got out of his grasp but now cole was holding me back as well, they practically made a wall between us.

"Oh? Did I strike a nerve?" She sneered.

I thrashed around but I couldn't break away. "(Y/n) calm yourself down!" Killua reminded me.

"You're one to talk! Didn't you rake a swing at him just moments ago?" I retorted. He was silenced. I stopped struggling, taking a deep breath. They still had a firm hold on me. "Okay, I'm cool now," I muttered bitterly.

Amused by my outburst Quin smirked. "Jeez how did someone like you-" her words were cut off by my fist smashing into her face.

Cole and Killua stared at me with shock. "I thought you said you were fine?!" Cole said.

"Okay now I'm fine," I said with victorious tone. I looked at Quin's unconscious body. "For now..."

AN: Hello you beautiful creatures!!

I enjoyed this chapter. I'm just so satisfied with the ending. What are your thoughts on Cole and Quin coming back? Yay or nay? The next few chapters are just gonna be really light hearted and fun. At least I hope so.

Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think!

❤️See you next time!🍉

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