#14. Needles

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Killua's POV

The property was swarming with needle men, just as I suspected. I had already explained to the others what the needle men were but it was still a bit shocking for them.

"They're so mindless." Cole said with a mixture of disgust and fear.

"They're just like you said." Quin stated.

"Like zombies." Iris concurred.

"Zombies" was the perfect word to describe them. They walked slowly and surrounded us. Every once in a while a small groan would escape them making them seem much more Zombie like. It was a scene from straight from an apocalyptic movie.

"Should we attack?" Iris asked.

I nodded. I let my expression turn cold. "Yeah, Don't hesitate to kill them." Everyone turned to look at me. " I don't like the idea of killing these innocent people as much as you do. But they won't stop until they're dead. I should be able to count on you to do that."

I looked back at them and we all shared the same scornful look. We nodded in unison.

We started to fight them, killing them off when we finished. They were easy to kill off, but there were so many of them.

"They just keep coming!" I grunted.

"There's no end to them." Cole growled as he killed another one.

"Don't worry we can handle them!" Iris said, taking a needle men and throwing him at a group of others, knocking them all to the ground. "You, Cole, and Quin go on! Me and the twins will fight off these guys here!"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah! Go find (y/n)" One of the Twins said.

"Don't worry we can handle them!" The other finished.

I decided to trust them and move on with Cole and Quin. When I looked back at the others, I could see that I was worried about nothing. They were easily taking down needle by the second. They were fast and stealthy just like a ninja should be.

So far, all we had to deal with was needle men. There may have been many of them but I was still expecting more. I started to think, trying to predict what was going to happen next.

We ran down the hall to where our torture room was. Although I lived there as a child, all the hallways seemed like a big maze to me. I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing I was forgetting my home.

We came to the end of the hallway. There was a large steel door that stood before us. It stood between me and (y/n).

"There is a good chance that Illumi is gonna have more soldiers behind this door." I stated bluntly.

"Then we'll take them down. That didn't stop us before." Cole said.

"It's not like that. When I say "soldiers" I mean there is probably just one person." I explained.

The others looked at me with wide eyes.

"It's one extremely strong person that is under the orders of Illumi." I clenched my fist.

"Mind control?!" Quin said aghast.

I nodded. "But unlike his needle men, he cane be saved."

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