#21. The Perfect Two

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An: Don't play the song yet....


Killua's POV

Another year went  by fast. It was almost crazy. Alluka was already turning 18, She asked if she could go out and adventure on her own now. It was a scary choice on my part but I decided to let her go. I was able to go out and adventure when I was 12 so I should be able to trust her now. Of course I gave her some conditions. She had to visit us every holiday and she had to take Calix with her. I'm pretty sure they planned that ahead of time but if they were gonna go together, they were gonna stay together. Plus that decision made (Y/n) very happy.

"They are like a mini us!" She exclaimed dreamily. She was the one to convince me on letting them go. "I'm not even kidding."

I smiled at that thought. I guess she was right about that. "Fine, but if anything happens to Alluka, I'm breaking his limbs."

"Fine, but just know that's never gonna happen." She said with a huge grin on her face. 

My relationship with (y/n) has really evolved. We have been together for almost 6 years now, including the time she was in the coma. I never thought of anyone else the way I think about her. I was almost offended when she woke up, thinking I forgot about her. But all of that was over now. We were happy. And now I was ready for the next step. I was ready to marry  her.

I talked to Gon about it earlier. I was nervous about how I was gonna do it. It was like asking her on the first date all over again. At first he suggested that I put it in her food like they do in the movies. I considered it for a while but the I realized, she would probably eat it on accident. I didn't want it to be so plain and just ask. There is barely any effort in that. We talked about it and then we finally came down to the perfect idea.

Your POV

I woke up happy for the day ahead. Killua and I had plans to go on a date so he was the first person I went to after getting ready. We all moved out of the house everyone shared together. Everyone was getting their own places. The two of us decided to rent an apartment together. It was a small and simple two bedroom apartment with everything we needed. It was almost like nothing changed since he was still right across the hall. In addition, we are still close to town and we get to see all of our friends all the time. I surprised to open the door and see him gone. 

I entered his room wondering where he was. His room was messy as always. Although, he has started getting neater. Only a few clothes were scattered across his floor and his bed was a complete mess too. I put all of his clothes in a laundry basket. I grumbled a bit as I picked up after him. We are gonna have a talk about this, hopefully it won't become like the last we argued about clean and dirty. It was full out war. I don't enjoy cleaning his mess but I always end up doing it some how. At least it wasn't as bad as it has been before. Once I finished with the laundry, I got to his bed. To my surprise, I saw a note on his pillow. I looked it over and smiled; it was he could read my mind.

Sorry about the mess, I bet you already cleaned it up by now.

We can talk about my messiness later, but just promise it won't turn into a war like last time. 

Anyway, I have something very important to ask you.

But you are gonna have to find me first. 


Attached to the note, was a picture; it showed one of our favorite cafe's in town. I'm guessing that means I'm supposed to go there to find him. I slipped on my shoes and headed out.

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