Good News?!

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"Jersey! Can you help me in the garage now?" My dad called down as I looked up at the clock. It's been a few hours already?! I signed as I put the book back into the box and locked it up again sliding it under my bed. I decided to get dressed if I was going to help my dad. Once I was finished I went down the stairs where my dad handed me a box to take. "Alright follow me." He said as I followed him through the house to a door that lead to the garage. We set the boxes down as we looked at the junk that was left behind from previous house owners.
"It's a mess in here." I stated the obvious.
"I know that's why we are going to go through it." My dad said patting me on the shoulder as he made his way over to a shelf. I followed him as I began to look through boxes to see if we could use any for car parts or anything else. After a few minutes of rummaging through boxes we finished an entire shelf. "Break time?" My dad asked as I nodded my head.
"Break time." I said agreeing with him as we both sat down on the stools that were set up in the garage.
"Listen Jersey, I know that this move is hard on you but do you think you can try and make it easier on us? It's not easy for us either but we have to do it." My dad asked. I nodded my head.
"I can try." I said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I felt a weird shiver go down my spine at the thought of him not being my real father. I tried to not think about it too much. After about 3 hours or so of small talk and cleaning we finished the garage.
"I think we did a good job." My dad said as he put his arm on my shoulder. I nodded my head.
"I think so too." I agreed as we walked back into the house to find my mom sitting at the kitchen table talking on the phone. Once she seen us she hung up.
"Oh you are done fairly quick." My mom said as she placed it on the table.
"Yeah I got an extra pair of hands to help me which was nice." My dad said as he patted me on the shoulder.
"Who was on the phone?" I asked. My mom looked at my dad who bit his lip.
"Jersey we know that you'll miss your friends and going to a new school will be a bit much so we arranged for you to see a therapist, someone who can help you go through whatever it is that is going on in your head." My mom said as I took a step back.
"You are putting me in therapy?" I asked trying not to get upset or angry.
"We just want you to talk to someone professionally who can help you through the changes from this move. That's all." My dad chimed in as my mom nodded her head. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. There was no winning this argument and maybe this therapy may be helpful.
"Okay fine. When do I go see this therapist?" I asked as I watched my parents give me a shocked expression.
"I didn't think you would give in. I thought you would fight us for a bit." My mom said looking at my dad and then at me in shock. I sighed.
"I told dad I would make it easier on you both so I'm going to go see this therapist." I said as I looked at my dad who nodded his head. "So when do I go see them?" I asked again as my mom snapped out of her thoughts and grabbed a sticky note handing it to me.
"4:00pm Monday afternoon. Right after your first day of school." My mom said as I read over the sticky note. "The number is hers if you need her before school starts." My mom said as I looked at the number. I nodded my head.
"Can I go back upstairs now?" I asked as my mom nodded her head. I walked past her and began up the stairs. Once I got my room I placed the sticky note on my desk and walked over to my bed. I looked at my phone. I got a text.
To: Jersey
From: Jake
Hey sorry for spamming you, I don't usually do that. Anyway my trip for cut short so I'm heading home! I'll text you when I get back!! :) xo
I smiled at my phone. I leaned back in my bed and replied back to him.
To: Jake
From Jersey
That's awesome!! Why did your trip get cut short? xo
I waited for a response which didn't take very long.
To: Jersey
From: Jake
I guess my grandparents decided not to want us there for some reason I do not know, anyway I'm not far from home! I'll text you when I get there! :)
I smiled as I set down my phone. I then remembered I still haven't finished unpacking. I was so caught up in the book that I forgot about everything else. I hopped off my bed and went straight to the rest of my stuff.

After a few hours of unpacking and organizing I was completely done. I had everything in its place. Clothes were folded and put away now all that I had left was to read more of that book. I slid it out from under my bed and unlocked it. I took the book out and began to read. There was a section on 'James Marine's FBI profile' it was technically just a bunch of stuff on my 'dad' and what he was like as an FBI agent. I finished reading the book and looked at the rest of the stuff in the box. More of my birth certificates and a few more pictures. One picture really caught my eye. It was a picture of my mom and James. I have never seen my mom look so happy before even with the guy she's married to now she never smiled the way she did in this picture. I continued to look through pictures as I found one of James and I. He was holding me in his arms smiling a very large smile like he was proud. I was beyond confused. If he was so proud why did he leave me? These type of questions popped into my head making my head hurt from thinking. I heard my phone go off. It was Jake.
To: Jersey
From: Jake
Hey! I'm home! What street do you live on?
I raised an eyebrow as I began to type.
To: Jake
From: Jersey
I live on Laurence St. Why?
I was extremely curious on why he asked. I didn't get a response quite as quick as I thought I would. But I did get one eventually.
To: Jersey
From: Jake
So do I!!!! I'm guessing you live at 614?
I got really happy when he said that. I typed faster than usual.
To: Jake
From: Jersey
No way!! For real?! Yeah I do! Where do you live????
I was beyond excited. I got a very quick response.
To: Jersey
From: Jake
I live right next door! 612! :D get outside and come see me!
I smiled and jumped up about to go see him. I remembered I didn't put the book away. I put the book back and locked it up, but instead of sliding it back under my bed I took it with me hiding it as best as I could. I ran down the stairs just about to make it to the door.
"Excuse me? Where are you going?" I heard my mom ask as I just reached the door. I sighed and turned around.
"Jake is home from their trip since it got cut short so I'm going to go see him." I said my mom looked at me in shock.
"You know where he lives?" My mom asked raising an eyebrow at me. I nodded my head.
"Just next door at 612. Can I go?" I asked as she thought about it for a few seconds.
"Fine go. Be back before 10:30." I nodded my head as I looked at my phone. 6:22pm. I ran out the door to see him standing at the end of his driveway.
"Welcome home!"

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