Finding Him

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"Bakersfield, California." I said meaning we had to get on another bus.
"Great. Another bus. Now how do we find another bus station?" He asked as I turned to my left. I seen a sign that said 'Bus Station.' I nudged Jake who looked in the direction I was pointing to see the sign. "Okay smart ass. Let's get on a bus to find your father." Jake said as he pushed me forward. We walked into the bus station. "Can I ask?" Jake asked as I motioned him forward. He took a deep breath and walked towards the lady.
"How can I help you?" The lady asked.
"Are there any buses heading to Bakersfield, California?" Jake asked as they lady smiled typing into the computer.
"Yes there is. How many tickets?" She asked. Jake smiled.
"Two please." Jake said as the lady smiled printing off tickets and Jake handed her the money. "Thank you." He said as he walked back over to me.
"I'm proud of you. Getting out of your shell." I said patting his head. He shook his head as we sat down. "What time do we leave?" I asked him as he looked at the tickets.
"In about 5 minutes the bus should be here." He said as I nodded my head. I began to look around. There were people playing instruments. I grabbed Jake's hand as I walked over to this man playing the violin. I stood there as I placed Jake's hand around my waist as I rested my head on his shoulder. I began to sway slightly. "Does this make you happy?" He asked me quietly. I nodded my head.
"Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the violin. It sounds like heaven." I said as I looked up at Jake who did what I told him. I watched him smile. He opened his eyes to look down at me.
"You are right. Sounds just like heaven." He said as I smiled. I wrapped my arms around him as I hugged him tight. We heard a horn honking meaning that our bus was here. We snapped out of our little moment as we made our way towards the bus. We handed the man our tickets as we found empty seats. Jake grabbed my backpack as he set it up on top. I sat down in the seat as he came and sat beside me. I yawned as I rested my head on his shoulder holding his hand. I smiled as he kissed the top of my head. The bus began to drive away. There were barely anybody on the bus.
"Jake? What do you think will happen when I find my dad?" I asked as I looked up to see him. He bit his lip.
"I don't really know. That man said not to worry. So just don't worry until we find him. Jersey, everything will be okay. I'm right here. Just go to sleep." He said pulling me in again for a hug. He shut his eyes trying to sleep. I smiled as I couldn't help but think about my dad's reaction when he sees me. I was hoping he would be happy. But I also was thinking he might not like what I've become. Or maybe he wasn't what I thought he was. I'm expecting him to be some awesome cool guy. What if he isn't any of those things? I was so paranoid I didn't even notice my stomach growl which made Jake wake up. "Hungry?" He said laughing slightly. I nodded my head as he stood up and grabbed the backpack he had. He opened it up and revealed a bag of chips. I raised my eyebrow at him. "I was hungry and it was late at night okay?" He said as his face went bright red. I smiled at him as we opened the bag of chips. I grabbed a chip taking it in my mouth. I leaned back in my chair as I felt sleepy but hungry at the same time. After a few minutes of eating chips and the bag was almost gone I decided to try and get some sleep. I rested my head on Jake's shoulder again this time I intertwined our fingers together. I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep with Jake's warmth beside me.
---When I woke up the bus had stopped at a rest stop. It was dark out since the bus picked us up at 4:30pm that after noon. I looked at my phone 8:45pm. We were halfway there. I looked over at Jake to see he was asleep too. I moved my head slightly so I could go to the bathroom.
"Jersey?" He groaned as he woke up.
"I'm sorry I woke you." I said as I felt really bad for waking him.
"It's okay. I need to go to the bathroom." He said as I nodded my head.
"So do I." I said as we both stood up and got off the bus. We walked o the restrooms.
"I'll be right out here when your done." He said as we went our separate ways. I walked into the bathroom where there was a small line of women who were on the bus. I waited a bit as one woman came out of the bathroom. I went into the stall and did my thing. When I came out I noticed my hair was a mess in the mirror. I decided to fix it with water and put on my hat that I brought with me. I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. Jake was standing right where he said he would be. "Alright. Let's get back on the bus."  He said as he guided me back to the bus. We got on and back into our seats. We sat down just to get back into the position we were in before. I held his hand again and rested my head on his shoulder just to go back to sleep.

---This time when I woke up we were in Bakersfield and at the bus station. We got off thanking the bus driver.
"Okay so we need to go to 712 Jefferson Street. Where is that?" I said more to myself as Jake was looking around. I walked inside the bus station hoping I could find a map of Bakersfield.
"What are you doing?" Jake asked as I found a map opening it up. We were on Main Street. I looked for Main Street on the map.
"I am trying to find Jefferson Street." I said as I found Main Street and then I found Jefferson street. I found a table where I could trace the road to get there. We were about 4 blocks away from Jefferson street.
"Okay so now we just go there?" Jake said as I nodded my head. We began to walk in the direction the way the map told us to. This was a very small town or at least where we were seemed small. It had a lot of small food markets. We walked past this man who was selling fresh red apples. I smiled as I handed him $2 for an apple. Jake did the same but with a green apple. We smiled and went on our way. After we passed the supermarkets we started getting into houses. The houses were small, but they were very nice houses. The yards were a decent size and the houses were far enough apart. "I like it here." Jake said as I smiled at him. It was a very nice town. We passed Kora Avenue which was the first street we needed to pass to get to Jefferson. And then we passed Central Street.
"Now we need to pass Stevens avenue and then we will be on Jefferson." I stated as Jake looked at the map and the signs above us.
"Well we are now on Stevens." He said as I looked up at the sign. I smiled at the sign meaning we were close. We continued walking as we finally reached Jefferson street. I looked at the houses on either side of the street.
"Okay so the house on the left reads 616 and then it goes down. So that means we go right?" I asked looking at Jake. He looked at the address that was handed to us.
"Yeah it says 712 so we go right." He said as we started heading in that direction. We crossed the street making sure it was clear first as we began to walk down the block. I folded the map up and placed it in my backpack. I began to read all the numbers on the right side of the street as Jake read the ones on the left. I read the numbers on a small light blue house. 712. I stood still as I stared at the house. Jake was still reading off numbers. "Jersey?" He said as he noticed I stopped reading numbers. I was still staring at the house. "Well go up there." He said as he slowly pushed me forward. We reached the front step where I took a deep breath. I raised my hand and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps making my heart race a million miles a minute. After a few seconds the door swung open to reveal a man who was about 4 inches taller than me. He had brown hair, hazel eyes and his face looked similar to mine.

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