The Agency

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Now back to Jersey's point of view. This is going to stay in her point of view from now on.

When the bus finally stopped in Phoenix, Arizona we said our good byes to the bus driver and got off the bus along with a few others.
"Where do we go from here?" Jake asked as I looked up to see a map in the bus station. I walked over to it as it had a red dot that said 'You Are Here.' I took out the direction that told us we had to go to 12th avenue.
"Okay so we are on 4th avenue. We need to get to 12th." I said as I showed him the directions.
"Okay so do we hop on another bus or what?" Jake asked as I looked around. I seen a street sign that said 5th avenue on it.
"I'm guessing we have to go that way. This way says 5th avenue meaning it keeps going down to 12th." I stated as I began to walk to the end of the curb. I looked to see no stop lights.
"How are we supposed to cross the street?" Jake asked as he was thinking the same thing I was. I seen a nice lady who had a dog. I needed to pet it to relieve some sort of stress and I could ask her for help. I walked up to her followed by Jake.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Can we please per your dog?" I asked her as she smiled and nodded her head.
"Yes you can." She said as I leaned down to pet the dog followed by Jake.
"What kind of dog?" Jake asked as she smiled picking it up.
"She is a Pomeranian. Anyway my bus is here. I should get going." The lady said smiling before she walked away. I remembered I needed help.
"Wait! Ma'am." I said as she turned back around.
"Yes?" She asked politely.
"Could you help us find a way to get to 12th avenue?" I asked her as she nodded her head.
"Each bus has an avenue written on the top. Usually 12th is a bit further down. Just hop on it and you'll be good." She said smiling pointing one way. I nodded my head.
"Thank you." I said before she turned back around and got on her bus. We began to walk in the direction she pointed in and tried finding the bus.
"There are a lot of tiny shops here." Jake stated as we passed every tiny little shop that you could think of. There was a small lush shop and a small star bucks. I seen a bus that said 11th avenue. I quickly sped up as I gripped Jake's hand in mine. "What are we doi-Oh you found the bus." He asked as we both smiled at the bus. The doors opened.
"Welcome fresh new faces. You aren't from around here are you?" The bus driver asked as we moved to the side letting people walk by us.
"No we aren't. So how much do we give you to take us to 12th avenue?" I asked him as he smiled at us.
"First timers are free for the day." He said smiling as he pointed behind him.
"Thank you." I smiled as we walked past him to go find an empty seat. We found empty seats where we sat down. After a few minutes a lady who looked pregnant was carrying a box of groceries and she had two other small children. I stood up. "Here sit down. I'll hold that for you." I said as she smiled at me handing me the box. Jake stood up and played with the children to keep them entertained. After a couple minutes of leaning against a pole and holding the box of groceries we arrived at 12th avenue. Jake helped the lady with her kids get off the bus as I got off the bus still carrying the box.
"Thank you so very much. But I can take it from here." She said trying to take the box.
"No it's okay really. Are you going to a car or an apartment?" I asked her as she smiled at me.
"My apartment building is just around the corner. Are you sure?" She asked as Jake took her kids by the hands smiling.
"We insist." Jake said as she nodded her head guiding us to her apartment. When we reached her apartment building she brought us up where I set the box of groceries on her table.
"Thank you so very much. You defiantly aren't from around here. If you were, you would have just sat there letting me struggle." She said smiling.
"We aren't. But that's terrible people should be helping you. Anyway we have to get going. You have yourself a very awesome day." I said smiling as we slowly made our way towards the door.
"Thank you again." She said smiling at us as she shut the door. We walked down the stairs and outside.
"Where do we go from here?" Jake asked as I unfolded the instructions.
"We need to go to 3416 and..." I said trailing off as I turned around to look at the apartment building number. "We are at 3402. So we are close." I said as I looked at the building to its left. It read 3400. Meaning right is the way we had to go to get to 3416. We struggled walking past people but Jake and I held hands most of the way so we wouldn't lose each other.

"3416. We found it." Jake said as I smiled. I walked up the doors where I opened it to reveal a very large, open room with a small desk at the back where a man sat on the computer. I walked straight up to him where he smiled before placing a finger up signalling me to wait. I nodded my head as I looked around. We leaned against the counter waiting.
"Alright. Sorry about that. How can I help you?" The man asked as I turned to face him.
"Hi we are looking for a man named James Marine." I said as the man pressed a button making alarms go off and the guy went on a speaker.
"Code 16. I repeat code 16." He said as about 20 men came rushing up to us 2 of them holding our arms behind our back. They all pointed guns at us. One guy came up to us.
"Who sent you?!" He kept repeating getting louder. I was extremely confused.
"What are you talking about?!" I kept repeating after he would ask who sent us. A older gentleman came walking past through the men.
"What is the commotion all about?" He asked looking at the one man who was yelling at us.
"Sir, these kids are looking for JM." He said I looked at Jake confused on why they didn't say his name. The older gentlemen looked at Jake and then at me. He stared at me for a few minutes.
"Drop your weapons. Drop your weapons now!" He said louder as the men all around us dropped there weapons to their side. "It's Jersey right?" The man asked me. As soon as I nodded my head a lot of the other men stared in shock at me. "Come with me. Both of you." He said as the men who were holding us let us go. We followed the man past the men who were staring at me. I shook of their stares. We reached an elevator where it brought us to a whole floor with a bunch of people dressed in black suits.
"Where are you taking us?" I asked the man as he just smiled at me.
"Don't worry Jersey, you are safe here." He replied as I felt déjà vu with those words. I couldn't even place my finger on where I heard those words from. I shook it off as we began to walk past people who were staring at me as we walked by them. We walked up these stairs to an office that was completely see through. "Please sit." The man said as we sat on the chairs across from his desk.
"How do you know my name?" I asked as the man smiled at me.
"My you have grown." He said as he shook his head. "Sorry about all of that. Your dad worked here, but because you are here I'm guessing you know that. I have known your dad for quite sometime now. When he left us I was devastated but now I see that we did a very good job at making sure you were safe." He said as I smiled at me. I looked over at Jake who was confused.
"I just want to find my dad. I was hoping coming here, he might still be here or someone here might know where I can find him." I said as he smiled nodding his head.
"How exactly did you find us?" He said raising his eyebrows at me.
"I found this book in my attic with all sorts of information and then I typed it in the computer to find more information." I said as the man's eyes got wide. He began to type on the computer.
"These files are not supposed to be opened ever but I can see you are your father's daughter and aren't going to leave without getting answers. So..." He trailed off as he began to print something off. "Here is his address. I need you to leave now before people come to see us and hurt you." He said as he made us get up we walk through another hallway.
"What do you mean people?" Jake asked as the man looked down at us.
"You both know the story right about your father's arrest?" He asked as we nodded our heads. "Some people your father caught got out of jail and have their minds set on killing everything your father has ever loved or everything apart of his life. We are safe here but you need to leave now." He said as we reached the big empty room we entered before.
"How do they know where to find us?" I asked him as I stopped walking being stubborn. The man smiled at me.
"They have a bug whenever someone types in your father's name on the computer so whoever types it in they get their address. Now that you are here they will know that you came here." He said as I slowly started walking again. I stopped again.
"You said you've known my dad for quite sometime. How do you think he will react to me seeing him?" I asked as he smiled holding my shoulders.
"Trust me when I tell you this, your father will keep you safe. Okay? Just be safe in this world. Trust only you two until you find your father. Okay?" He said as Jake and I were now walking out the door. We reached the side walk where Jake and I looked at each other. I hugged him tight. I was shaking because I finally found a few answers.
"Okay. Calm down. That was amazing. You found some answers. Where do we have to go to find him?" Jake asked as I unfolded the directions the man gave me. I looked at it. Not another bus.
"Bakersfield, California."

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