Mother's Point Of View

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This is from Jersey's mom's point of view btw

I wasn't woken up by my kids jumping on the bed or my alarm, I was woken up by someone knocking on my door. I woke up my husband next to me as I shuffled down the stairs. I opened the door to be met with two men wearing black suits.
"Sorry to wake you ma'am but do you mind if we come in for a few minutes?" The one man asked me. I shook my head.
"What is this about?" I asked as I stood my ground.
"This is about James Marine." The man said as I got tense moving them to the side. My two younger kids had woken up by all the noise and we're now standing on the stair case.
"What about him?" I asked as the men stood in my living room.
"We got word that someone in this household had typed his name up on the Internet. Anyone trying to track him down can and will find you here." The man said as I crossed my arms. I was then remembering the box I had kept from years ago when I was put user witness protection with Jersey.
"Go wake up Jersey, Mike." I demanded as I began to get worried. Jersey could have possibly found that box. I didn't worry about it until a few moments after when Mike came down the stairs with his face pale. "What's wrong?" I asked as he stood there motionless.
"Jersey isn't up there." He said as my eyes went wide.
"She found the box." I said more to myself.
"What box?" The man in the suit asked. I sighed taking a deep breath.
"When I was placed in witness protection I had a box locked up in my attic of our old house of pictures and information of James Marine. My oldest daughter must have found it and now she's gone. I should have burned every content of that box instead of keeping it." I admitted as I sat down on my couch. One man sat beside me.
"Do you have any idea where she could have gone?" He asked as I shook my head.
"I have no idea honestly." I said as I began to chew at my nails. The phone rang making me jump. "Mike can you grab that?" I asked quietly as he was already on the way to grab the phone. He walked into the kitchen so I couldn't hear him.
"Listen ma'am it is not safe for you and your family to be here. And wherever your oldest daughter is she's not safe either they will track her laptop or phone whatever she used to look James up. We need to get you out of here fast." The man said as I sighed knowing this was going to happen again. I nodded my head as I stood up. Mike came back into the living room.
"Who was it?" I asked as he looked worried.
"It was Jake's parents. He's gone too." Mike said as I shook my head.
"We need to leave. We are not safe here." I said to Mike as he nodded his head. I grabbed my kids and brought them upstairs. I began to pack a suitcase for each of them.
"Hey mom? Is Jersey in trouble?" My son Liam asked as him and his sister Nina sat on the bed staring at me. I sighed slightly.
"No she's not. She's a tough girl. Don't worry okay? Everything will be okay." I said as I kissed their heads as Mike came into the room. "Go with your daddy downstairs." I said as I findings packing them up.
"We are all packed too. Are you okay?" Mike asked as I nodded my head.
"I'm just worried about Jersey that's all. She's a tough one but I don't know what James is like now, she might find him and not like what she sees." I said as he rubbed my back.
"She will be fine. I'm guessing she has Jake with her so she will be fine. Like you said she's a tough one." He said kissing my temple. We walked down the stairs with the suitcases in hand.
"Where exactly are you taking us?" I asked as we got into the car.
"Somewhere safe. We promise you and your family will be safe with us." The man said as he shut the door on us getting in the drivers seat.
"Do you have anyway of contacting your daughter?" The other man asked. I nodded my head.
"I have our cellphone." I said as he nodded his head.
"Call her see if she picks up." He ordered as I nodded my head beginning to dial her number. I put the phone up to my ear hearing it ring.
"Voicemail. She won't pick up." I said as he nodded his head.
"Like we figured. She thinks she's in trouble for leaving." The man said as I bit my lip. I felt a hand be placed on my knee.
"She will be fine. She is all grown up." Mike said as I nodded my head.
"I'm not worried." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder holding my kids in my arms. Jersey will be fine. She's tough and brave. She has Jake. Maybe James will protect her. I sighed when I got a phone call from Jake's mom. I picked it up. "Hello?-I know Jersey is missing too-We don't know where they are-I do know why they would leave-No um don't come over to the house we aren't there-We had to leave-Kayle they went to go find Jersey's real dad-No Mike is her step dad we just never told her the truth-Well we kind of couldn't-We were in some trouble back when Jersey was a baby-No it had to with her dad nothing with me-I don't know where he is-I haven't talked to him in many years-Kayla? Hello? She hung up on me." I said as I hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" The man in the front seat asked.
"The boy whose mother called the house when we were there is missing and we know he went with our daughter. She just called to see if we knew where he was and it probably just ended my friendship with her." I explained as the man nodded. He began to talk on the phone.
"Yes sir. A teenage girl named Jersey and a teenage boy named Jake are on the move to find him-Yes sir we have the mother and family of the girl-No sir not of the boy-Okay we are on it." The man said hanging up the phone. He whispered something into the other man's ear. The man driving turned the car around and we were heading back the way we came.
"What are we doing?" Mike asked as we watched us pull up to our house but this time we see in Jake's driveway.
"The boy is in trouble too if he is with your daughter meaning they will be after his family too." The man said before they got out of the car and walked up to the front steps. Another car that was exactly like this one came pulling up in front of us. I watched as Jake's family got put into the other car. The two men got into the car with us and began to drive off again, taking us somewhere safe.

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