Not Safe Here

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The gun shots stopped. By this time it was dark in the house that we could see the red dots of the guns.
"Sh. Nobody move." Jame whispered barely audible. I stayed put where I was while Jake did the same. We were foot steps coming towards the house. "Move to the garage quietly but quickly." James whispered. "Stay low." He whispered as he grabbed my shirt and pulled my forward as I took a deep breath beginning to crawl slightly. Jake followed after while James was a bit behind. We reached the garage door that was when we heard the door open to the house. I opened the garage door as James put his fingers to his mouth signalling us to be quiet. We walked into the garage as we seen a very fancy car. Not like the one we were driving to the beach. Jake and I stared in amazement as James slowly and quietly shut the door. "Alright in the car." James whispered a bit louder as he unlocked the doors making us hop in. "Seat belts." James said as we did what we were told. Just as he placed the key in the ignition a couple men came rushing through the door firing their guns. I screamed as I ducked down with James hand on my head. He started the car not even bothering to lift the garage door open. He just hit the gas pedal and out the car into drive, slamming right into the garage door. We drove out onto the road where there were more men who began to fire guns at the car. I didn't hear gun shots anymore as James let go of my head. I sat up looking behind us to see the men in a van following us. I looked at Jake who looked just as confused and scared as I was.
"What the hell is going on? Why are those people shooting at us?" I asked beginning to hyperventilate. James looked mad but he didn't look mad at me. He stared at me and his expression softened.
"I'm sorry." He muttered under his breath. I sort of heard what he said but I wasn't too sure. I shook my head.
"Why were those men shooting at us?" I asked again as he made a quick turn making me sort of go flying into the door.
"Can I just get rid of these guys and I will explain everything later?" He asked looking at me quickly and then back to the road. I nodded my head. "Thank you. Jake I need you to crawl into the back there should be a button that opens up the trunk from in here." James said as I watched Jake do what he was saying.
"Okay I found the button." Jake said as James continued to instruct him.
"Press the button. A little passage way to the trunk should open up." Jame said as he was sort of looking through the mirror.
"It opened up. Now what?" Jake asked as he waited for an answer.
"There should be a a key pad on the floor where you punch in a code." Jame dated as Jake looked and then nodded his head.
"What's the code?" Jake asked as he looked concentrated.
"It's Jersey's birthday." My dad said as I could tell his expression softened. I smiled slightly as Jake looked at me.
"01.07.98." I stated as he nodded his head opening it up revealing another passage way with a duffle bag in it.
"Grab the duffle bag." James said as he made another sharp turn. Jake grabbed the duffle bag and placed it in between the two seats so James had access to it. James took one hand off the wheel and opened it up to reveal a few guns and a bunch of paper items. I backed up a bit as Jake did the same thing. James pulled out a gun and then we stared at me quickly. "Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you." He said as I shook my head.
"Why d-do you ha-have th-that?" I stuttered as he bit his lip.
"I'll explain later." He said as looked at me quickly and then back at the van still following us. "Jake I need you to take the wheel." James said as Jake hesitated but he did it anyway. I grabbed a hold of the steering wheel from where I was sitting while James crawled into the back seat while Jake crawled into the front. He put his seat belt on and grabbed a hold of the wheel. He gripped the steering wheel very hard I could see his knuckles. I looked back at James who began to roll down the window. "Just keep driving straight and when I tell you I want you to turn right." James instructed as Jake nodded his head. James patted Jake's shoulders before he grabbed the gun and stuck his head out of the window. I watched as he aimed and shot at the Van behind us. I flinched at how loud it was but I looked to watched the Van. We didn't shoot the Van or the people inside it, he shot the tires. The Van began to swerve as the bullet his the tire. "Turn at the next intersection." James demanded as Jake nodded his head. We reached the next intersection as Jake pulled a quick right turn. James and I both turned around to look at the Van that skidded into the intersection making another car crash into it, setting it into flames. "Do you want to continue driving?" James asked as Jake nodded his head. He gripped the steering wheel harder.
"I think he's frozen." I stated as Jake nodded his head.
"At the next bathroom pull over so I can explain everything." James said as we drove a few minutes to reach the rest area where Jake pulled over.

He stopped the car taking the keys out of the ignition. I quickly got out of the car as James followed after me.
"Listen, I didn't know this was going to happen. I never wanted to pu-" James began as I turned quickly around.
"Why did this happen? I don't want you to apologize or explain you didn't want to put me in danger. Just tell me why." I said as I crossed my arms at him.
"I made enemies being an agent. People getting out of jail want to kill me because I put them there. I'm pretty sure the person behind these men coming to kill me is the man who framed me for the robbery." James said as he looked at me as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "I never meant to put you in danger. That call that I got before this all happened it was Lenny. He said that men came in and trashed the agency. Men also went to get your mom along with Jake's family. But don't worry, my agency is two steps ahead of them. They have both of the families in protection. They will be safe there. Lenny gave me the information to where they are if you want me to go see them, but that's up to you." He said as I was worried now about my family. "I'm so sorry." He said as he looked like he was about to cry.
"I think you need to explain everything to Jake too. He needs to get out of his frozen state." I stated as I pointed to Jake who was still sitting in the car staring out into the distance.
"Yeah I'll get him out of the car while you process it all. I'm really sorry Jers." He said calling me by a nickname no one has ever called me for a very long time. Jers sent a shiver down my spine especially when it came from him. I decided to go to the bathroom while James told Jake about everything. I sat on the picnic table as I watched Jake look worried and then he looked like he was in defeat. They both looked at me as they came walking over to me. Jake came to sit beside me. We both rested our head in our hands. "We need to start moving again. It won't be long before they are on our trail. Just tell me right now if you want to go see your families and I'll take you there." James said as I ran a hand through my hair. Jake looked at me. I looked at him. "I'll leave you two alone to talk it over. I'll be in the car." James said as he walked towards the car. I waited for him to get in before Jake and I started talking.
"I think we need to find out families make sure they are safe." Jake said as I looked at James who was in the car.
"I agree. I need to make sure my brother and sister are okay. I know my mom is if she went through all of this, but my little siblings are not capable of this kind of thing. They are probably freaking out." I said as Jake nodded his head.
"Let's go tell James the news." Jake said as we walked towards the car. We got into the car as James looked at us both.
"So did you want to go see your families?" James asked as I looked at Jake who looked at me.
"We need to go see our families. Make sure they are okay and they aren't worried about us." I said as I looked at James who looked very disappointed. He started the car.
"If that is what you would like. Then that is what I'll do." He said as he began to drive off. I relaxed into my seat. I was caught in my thoughts. I couldn't help but feel mad that I was in this situation but I wasn't mad at James. I was just not happy with the situation of being shot at. I knew James was the reason but for some reason I couldn't be mad at him. I was also feeling worried about how my family were probably scared and worried about me. I was scared gotten especially Jake's family. I was so caught up in my thoughts I felt myself get sleepy. I slowly shut my eyes as I rested my head on the arm rests between James and I. I felt his hand be placed on my head playing with my hair.
"I'm so sorry Jersey. I won't ever let anything happen to you. I promise."

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