Chapter 16

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Sarah's POV

I knew something was up with those boys. They're too gorgeous to be human. Kendall is sweet though. Being a werewolf, and all, it won't work between us.

Yes I'm a werewolf. The band doesn't know, neither does Miranda or Lindsay. The only reason I haven't said anything, is because they would laugh. Vampires are far more intimidating than werewolves. Even though we won't admit it.

I walked into the van nervous, when I found out they were vampires.

I started pacing. When I get nervous my claws come out.

"Ugh. Always at the worst times!" I kicked over a chair.

All of a sudden James walked in to check. I jumped and hid my hands behind my back.

"Oh! Uh, hi James." I said.

"Don't play dumb with me Sarah." He said.

"Wha what do you mean?" I stumbled backwards.

"You know exactly what I mean. I know werewolf when I smell it." He said pushing me onto a couch.

So he's the one with super smell.

"Fine. Now you know. But it's better that Lindsay not find out. She would flip." I said.

"I can't keep secrets from my girlfriend Sarah. And she's your cousin." He said his fangs out and his eyes are blood red.

Oh my god. This is awkward.

"Look dude. I cannot go wolf. They'll fire me and I'll be out of a job. Please don't tell them." I said whimpering, which was not supposed to happen.

"Why shouldn't I?" He said hissing.

"Because...I can do this." I growled and dug my claws into his skin.

"Ow!" He said letting go. "Alright alright. I'll only tell Kendall. Did you really need to bring out the claws!?"

"Well you wouldn't leave me alone." I said getting up.

He rolled his red eyes.

"Don't play retarded on me!" I said poking his chest as hard as possible.

"Sarah! Stop that hurts!" He said yelping.

"Ok." I stopped and put my claws away as he put his fangs away.

"Remember we only tell Kendall and no one else.Got it?" I said.

"Got it! Just don't use the claws!" He said.

That was good. He's scared of me. I really don't wanna do that to Kendall. He had something going on. I could tell by how quiet he was.

"Let's go!" I said.

James walked out first and I waited a few seconds before I stepped outside.

"Everything okay Sarah?" Lindsay asked as James came up and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah. Fine. Just a little bit dizzy that's all." I said trying to cover up my secret. "So we have four and a half hours to get ready and rehearse. I figured Logan and Carlos could help Danny and Tony out with the equipment. While, James, Kendall and I help April, Miranda and you get outfits." I told Lindsay.

"You know what Sarah? That is the most...INCREDIBLE idea ever!" Lindsay said. "Miranda! April! Lets go!"

They ran up to the van squealing.

"Your girlfriend thinks its a good idea James." I smirked.

He gave me an "I hate you Sarah you will pay for this later" look, and I replied with an "I'm sorry remember to tell Kendall and only Kendall look"

"I am so confused." Kendall said.

Tony and Danny grabbed their instruments out of the van and Logan and Carlos helped lift some of the heavy stuff.

"Girls get in the van." I said excitedly.

They screamed and got in the van.

I waited for Tony, Danny, Logan and Carlos to go all the way inside.

"Alright. Now that I've got you two here." I said.

"Kendall we have something we have to tell you. Good news and bad." James said.

"Go on." He said.

"Good news is, I've fallen in love with you."

"That's amazing. Because I'm in love with you." He said.

We hugged.

"What's the bad news?"

I hesitated. I can't tell him. Not when he loves me.

"The bad news is...I'm making you guys come with me shopping." I said not really paying attention to what I was saying.

"Oh ok. Well, will you be my girlfriend Sarah?" Kendall asked with his romantic charming smile.

"Of course." I smiled.

James glared at me.

"Well Kendall. Can I talk to your girlfriend a minute? Alone?" James said.

"Uh yeah sure. I'll be waiting Sarah." He winked and walked to the van.

"What went wrong?!" James yelled at me in a whisper.

"I don't know. I love him. I don't want this to ruin our relationship!" I said.

"Well fix it." He said.

"But James?" I gave him the puppy dog face and cried like a puppy.

"Please don't do that Sarah. Sarah. Stop it." He said trying not to look at me.

"That does not work on me." He said.

That's it. I was going wolf, quietly though.

I changed into a full wolf and growled quietly.

"Alright alright." James said. "You're a pretty wolf."

I growled and barked a little bit when he said that.

"Oh shut up and change back. We don't have time for this." James said rubbing his head.

I changed back and laughed.

This is gonna be fun.

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