Chapter 23

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James's POV

In the morning I watched over Lindsay closer than I ever had.

I had a sick feeling in my stomach that Kendall wanted her dead, or should I say Anti-Kendall or midnight Kendall.

Lindsay rolled over looking at me. "James, are you ok?"

She looked like she had been crying. "Yeah baby I'm alright. I just don't want anything to hurt you. Are you ok?"

She nodded with a frown on her face.

I smiled. "Do you want a hug?"

She nodded and started crying running into my arms.

I laughed a little and rubbed her back as I held her tightly. "Shhhh. It's ok. You're ok. I promise." I kissed the top of her head.

"James, I wanna go somewhere we can be completely alone. Just for today."

"Where do you wanna go angel?"

"The woods. Deep into the woods."

I swallowed hard. "uh Lindsay are you sure about that? It's really dangerous."

She nodded.

I bit my lip. "I don't want you to get hurt."

She cupped my face in her hands, "I'm always safe when I'm with you."

I smiled and kissed her. This kiss lasted a long time.

All of a sudden I heard a knock at the door and someone opened the door, "James, wake-"

We were still kissing.

"-up. Oops." Carlos said then left.

She broke away and smiled leaning her forehead against mine.

"Let's go then." I said carrying her downstairs.

Kendall looked like he regretted what he had said the night before, but he never admitted it.

We ignored everyone and ran outside until we reached the inside of the woods.

Lindsay started to get scared. I could tell because she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight.

"Don't be afraid Lindsay." I said softly letting go of her hand and walked into a clearing.

She followed frantically after me.

I was laying in the grass. "Lay down."

Lindsay smiled and laid down next to me resting her head on my chest.

"This is crazy." she said.

"What is?"

"Just us. Fate brought us together."

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Maybe it wasn't fate. Maybe it was destiny."

She looked up at me. "It was destiny."

As she closed her eyes letting the leaves fall around us, I heard growling in the distance.

I ignored it and focused on my beautiful angel.

It kept getting louder and soon a pack of werewolves came running in the clearing surrounding me and Lindsay.

I tried to cover her with my body but two werewolves came to me and started speaking to me in their language.

"Suî twa astaké Saraï?" (Did you attack Sarah?)

"Shaî astaké mai aś weel." (She attacked me as well)

"Ü yïd nogt aswey mai eeston." (You did not answer my question.)

I sighed. "Tarsay. Tarsay sai suî." (Yes. Yes I did.)

Then he spoke English. "24 beatings for the bloodsucker!"

"James! No!" Lindsay grabbed my arm.

"Lindsay I have to," I said slipping my shirt off, "I did something awful I have to make up for it-AH!" I said as one of the wolves lashed my face twice.

"Those do not count." He laughed.

I winced in pain.

"James, please. You can stand up to them please."

I shook my head. Two wolves pushed me on the ground. Lindsay tried to grab me but another two wolves held her back and made her watch me suffer.

You see, when a vampire gets whipped, they get close to death(actual death) around 25-26 times. For a human it's longer.

The alpha wolf pulled out the whip for vampires, and started lashing me with it.

When we got to 24, he kicked me and they warned me in werewolf:

"Taaïs Saraï agna, ü vail parshëë." (Touch Sarah again, you will perish.)

They ran off leaving me hurt badly.

Lindsay ran to my side, "James, oh my god!"

I sat up and I pulled her into my chest holding her tight. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm such a horrible person. You're dating a criminal."

She said between sobs, "I'd rather date a criminal than someone I don't love."

I managed a small smile. Lindsay laid with me until I was able to regain my strength.

How did that werewolf know Sarah? Was she cheating? Did she have more family other than Lindsay?

I will find out.

But now, all I'm focused on is not dying.

I stayed awake for as long as possible but I was getting weaker.

I didn't want Kendall to know what happened cuz he'd kill me.

I heard someone coming out of the woods.

It was....

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