Chapter 20

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Vampire Captives Fanfiction: Chapter 20

Sarah's POV

"Go ahead guys. I'll be," I gagged a little, "just fine."

"Alright. Thanks babe." Kendall kissed my cheek.

He really was a vampire. All vampires are hopeless romantics. You could tell Kendall was meant to be one.

I watched them charm their way to getting what they wanted. And might I say, it was pretty impressive.

They were all girls so of course it wasn't awkward.

They ran back laughing.

"That was awesome k-dog!" Logan said high fiving Kendall.

"Haha. Yeah!" He said. "Alright babe it's over."

I was yanked away by some strange guy I didn't know.

"Sarah. I'm serious." He said kind of laughing.

"Shhh." The guy said pressing a finger to my lips.

"Sarah! Where are you?" He yelled.

"Kendall! Kend-" I was cutoff by the guy putting a hand over my mouth.

"Sarah!" Kendall ran to me and I tried to grab him but the guy turned me around and kissed me. I didn't kiss back.

"Sarah. Sar-" he saw the guy kissing me and was angry.

The guy stopped kissing me and I ran to Kendall's side.

"What do you think you're doing kissing my girlfriend?!" He yelled.

"Oh she's yours? Too bad. She could do better." He chuckled.

"Why I ought a!" He walked forward hissing. James, Logan and Carlos held him back. I secretly walked behind him when he wasn't paying attention.

"You ought a what? Barely hit me!" He laughed. "You can't hurt me."

"He may not be able to. But I can." I said from behind him.

"What can a shrimpy girl do?" He turned around and laughed.

"A whole lot more than you can." I said.

"I'd like to see you try." He said.

"Why don't you make me?" I said.

"That wouldn't be fair shrimp."

"You sure talk a lot of smack for a guy with no game." I snapped.

"I'm just trying to sweet talk you out of that loser."

"That loser is my boyfriend."

"Ha. Yeah right. He doesn't seem like it."

"I don't wanna start anything so just back off dude."

"Please. You couldn't if you wanted to." He chuckled in disbelief.

"I could. I choose not to."

"Let's see it then." He challenged. This guy was getting on my last nerves.

"No. I can't."

"Wuss." He said.

That word. It ticked me off. Chicken, Scaredy Cat, shy any other word wouldn't have hurt. But wuss, is where I draw the line.

"You're asking for it!" I said morphing into a wolf.

I barked and growled showing my teeth. I attacked him. I scratched his clothes and his face and arms, bit him everywhere, and then I grabbed him and set him on front of Kendall signaling him to finish him off.

I changed back and looked at him.

"What were you saying about me being a wuss?" I said.

He just shook.

"That's what I thought. Kendall dear, finish him." I commanded.

The guys let go of Kendall and he finished the remaining blood from this creeper. I grabbed his wallet and found fifty bucks.

"Wow. Sarah that was wow." Carlos said speechless.

"I was only going to threaten him but he called me a wuss so it was bye bye for creepy guy." I said. "On the other hand, in his wallet I found fifty bucks!"

"Cool!" James said.

Kendall was still calming himself down. When he was finally calm, he came over and congratulated me.

"Nice job Sarah. Didn't know you had it in ya." He said hugging me.

"Thanks babe." I said kind of embarrassed.

"What's wrong sare?" He asked.

"Can I guys tell you something? Promise not to tell anyone?" I asked.

"Yeah. Anything." Logan said.

"Well. You guys all know how werewolves are known for attacking people when they're angry right?" I said.

"Right." They said.

"Well don't laugh. That was my very first attack on anyone. And I feel really bad." I said.

"Aw sare bear. It's ok. We all have to do it once in our lives. It's ok to feel bad. Kendall does." James explained.

While he was saying that, Kendall sent me a telepathic message-message through thoughts- explaining the whole story about his sister, Rosie, and his dad.

"Yeah she knows. Telepathic messaging James." Kendall said. "When are you ever gonna learn?"

James rolled his eyes. "Come on let's go. I don't want Lindsay worried about me." He said walking towards the house.

We all laughed and followed after him.

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