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I remember the day he was born. The screaming protruding from the bedroom in which he arrived has been engraved within my mind, and for a long time afterwards I often dreamed of the sound. I would imagine as if his mother were my own, bringing me into this cruel world which I've grown to know. The surreal sounds I hold close to my heart, and in a way it has formed who I believe I am.

I've come to the conclusion that I am a hardworking young man as of now. Although I never knew my mother or father, I know that they are ever so close, even though I've been told they are far away in a land of peace. Since they've left me an orphan, I became a servant of the king and queen of the land. Here in the voluminous castle I cleaned and served the king and queen, until the day Clyde was born.

I remember as I stood alongside the older servants outside the bedroom door. They were all much taller than I; and draped in nightgowns, as we had been awakened late that night for this anomaly. We all stood quietly. The only light to see came from a diminutive torch down the hall. As the king exited the room that night, holding his newborn child, we stood straighter than usual. He showed us his simple son, who was still in his purest form.

"Bow down to your future king," I clearly remember him saying.

We did as he had said, although I distinctly remember being confused as to why it was such an important event. I was but five years old at the time, and groggy from being awakened. I didn't complain, though. I knew my place all too well, even at this moment in my life.

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