Chapter 12

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The following day was an extremely eventful one. There was a lot of preparation put into the wedding, and it seemed that everything was pristine. I tried my hardest to help out in any way that I could, but I felt that I hindered the ability of the others' work.

There was a brief conversation between me and the prince, but our words held no real feelings. There was a strong impression of apathy that we each put forth, although it may have been false. I straightened his uniform for him, looking over his robust, and sturdy body with my eyes that begged to glisten. I didn't allow them to, but my heart wretched with pain.

Although I felt a strong sense of spite, I smiled sizably. Clyde didn't return the smile, but instead looked around before pecking me on the lips and leaving the room looking glum. I sighed with lament before following him.

We reached the large ballroom in which the wedding was to be held, and got into our designated placements. People of all ages began filling up the chairs promptly. It was fascinating to see all of the contrasting, and diverse attires of these people. There were bright reds, deep violets, pastel pinks, faded blues; and these cloths were all draped across their bodies in various fashions and styles.

I snapped back into reality once the music began to play. It was the mellow sound of a well-tuned piano. It gave off higher pitched notes, and the player was very meticulous and patient as he tapped each key. It rang out across the room, echoing slightly as it caught the attention of each and every guest. They all turned their heads behind them, awaiting Princess Alaia Margarette to appear.

I too began looked back and over the heads of all of the guests as a tiny young girl came prancing down the aisle with a basket full of flower petals. She sprinkled them on the carpet leading up to the front where Clyde stood. When the young child reached the front, she bowed to Clyde and departed. The piano shifted for a moment, playing a new song; and then she came through the illuminated doors.

She was utterly stunning: her auburn-red hair was smooth and sleek, and within her bangs, she had a bright red tulip in full bloom. Her skin was the color of snow, but as clear as the sky on a cloudless day. Her lips were slightly parted as if she continuously took in deep breaths to keep herself calm; but her stature said otherwise, as a sort of positive vibe came coursing from her movements as she glided down the aisle. Her white dress started out thinly around her slim waist and fanned out into multiple beautifully layered fancy strips of fabric laid on top of itself, giving off a larger look. It dragged behind her, giving the illusion that she was floating.

I turned away briefly, unnoticed by anyone else in the large room, and glanced at Clyde. I shut my gaping mouth to find that Clyde's expression had not changed since I last saw him. This concerned me, for his soon-to-be wife was absolutely lovely and ravishing. Not to mention the sweet, caring demeanor that she carried would bring their relationship far on its own.

I turned back to fix my eyes on her elegance once more and saw that she was nearing Clyde. Out of respect, she curtseyed. Clyde followed her example, bowing negligently back to her. She came up beside him and they both faced the man who was to join them as husband and wife. He began reading from a large book, covered in scratches with obvious indications of its age.

It seemed to take ages for the man to get through all of the reading, and then ask the two to repeat vows. Eventually, a young boy was summoned to bring forth the two rings. Clyde's hands trembled ever so slightly as he slid the ring onto Alaia's finger, that I may have been the only one to notice. Alaia's hands shook much more frantically, and her nervousness almost got the best of her as she nearly dropped the ring. However, Clyde caught it with his finger just in time.

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