Chapter 10

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I could smell the clean scent of linen, feel the soft touch of silk, and sense the pleasant way I sunk into the material I slept on, all as I gradually awoke. I barely opened my eyes, nothing triggering. I looked around the room, brightly illuminated by the mid-morning sun. I blinked a few times and then took in a deep breath as I stretched. I sat up, subsequently noticing that I was still in the prince's bed.

My eyes wandered the room, looking sternly for a sign that Clyde was close by. He wasn't in the bed with me, which sent me into a brief panic. The door was closed, and there was a note attached. I pulled the immense amount of covers off of my small body and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I had forgotten how sore I was from the previous day's situation; therefore, I winced as I stood. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as it had been, but it was still exquisitely poignant.

I neared the door and removed the note. Immediately I noticed a little heart-shaped drawing at the bottom adjacent to Clyde's signature. I smiled at this and then tried to read its content. I believed Clyde was writing to me about how he enjoyed the way my facial features looked in my most content state; but that he needed to depart early to get a head start on his last day of sword practice.

Suddenly, it dawned on me: today was the last day before our exodus to the Evergreen lands to meet his soon to be wife. It sounded weird: wife. My heart ached at the thought, but I quickly tried to suppress my concerns. At the end of the letter, Clyde invited me to come out to the garden and watch. Of course, I'd have to be undercover, and bring towels or something for him to wipe his sweat upon, but at least I'd be able to see him in action.

I withdrew my shirt that laid in a pile on the floor, and put it on. I slightly opened the door of Clyde's room, peering through the gaping slit. When I saw that no one was in the hall, I hurriedly exited the room. I retrieved a few towels and headed out to the garden area.

I instantly saw Clyde and his sword instructor, Phillip. They must've been taking a break because Clyde's sword was resting at his side as he rapidly drank water from a pale. He had stripped down to nothing but a pair of undergarment shorts to practice in. He sweated profusely, and I sought my opportunity.

"Good morning, Prince Clyde," I addressed. "Might I offer you a towel to wipe your brow with on this hot day?"

"Why thank you, my servant," Clyde said as he stepped close.

I didn't even mind that he called me his servant, for the way he said it gave me chills. He had a gentle, loving look in his eyes; and I had to try very hard not to smile in a flirting manner. He took a towel and began wiping himself down. Phillip also came over and accepted my offer. He glared at me intensely; however, as if I had disrupted their hard work. I knew he was not fond of me, for he could tell I was a distraction for Clyde. I oftentimes pondered upon whether he knew about the relationship between Clyde and I. Perhaps Clyde bribed him not to tell a soul?

Once they both wiped themselves of their sweat, they handed me their towels. At least Clyde did. His instructor, on the other hand, threw his towel at me. I didn't appreciate it much, but I held no authority, and he too was considered a higher class than I. I calmly removed the towel from my face and held it in my arms.

"Ready to continue, Prince?" Phillip inquired.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Clyde responded confidently.

He shot me a quick glance, almost as though he were making sure that I was watching. I gave him a slight smile, and then their practice commenced once more. Clyde responded to each strike perfectly. His form was definitely improving, but I could also tell that he was trying to impress me. He swung a remarkable blow at his instructor.

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