Chapter 18

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The trip was rather elongated, considering the news I would inevitably have to give Clyde. I didn't know what this would mean: or how Clyde would take it for that matter. Perhaps I should have listened to him in the first place, and just ignored the dutiful side of myself? It really wouldn't have been that difficult to live the way we had always dreamt of, and I wouldn't be in the situation I am now.

The break of dawn scattered light across the glorious land of the Evergreens, and I would've loved to cherish its graceful ways. There was no time, however, as the sound of five total horse's hooves plundered the ground with thunderous sounds towards our destination. When the castle came into view, another heartbreaking discovery was made.

More ash and dust rose from what was left of the walls of the Evergreen castle lands, but no conflagration could be seen. It couldn't have been long after I left that the enemies had decided to end what they started by burning the whole place down piece by piece.

The cries to stop and turn around from the knights fell upon my deaf ears as I continued to race my horse straight to the castle. I knew I was leaving them far behind, but I had to know if Clyde was alright: it was my duty. I jumped off of my horse before he had even stopped all the way, and met the ground harshly. I didn't waste a moment before I stood and raced into the smokey castle town.

Flailing my arms in the blackness, I tried to make my way through the area. The dead bodies from before were giving off a putrid stench, and I covered my nose. I began coughing, and my eyes watered profusely, but I did not stop. The town was vacant of life, and I began to worry.

"Clyde!" I called out with what little air I had in my lungs.

I coughed more, then as I breathed in, I realized that it was easier. The ashy smoke was dispersing, and my vision was almost clear. I raced through the last bit of smoke until I came into a little assart in the town, and that is when I saw him.

I stopped in my place, completely frozen. Across the court laid Clyde on his back. One of his arms were outstretched away from him, and the other was pressed harshly into his right side. I could see his chest rising up and down with each jagged breath he took.

"Clyde?" I whispered in a barely audible tone, with a sound of fear.

I raced towards him, my steps now echoing against the few walls left of the town. I collapsed next to him, my hands hovering over his body: wavering, and unsure what to do.

"Clyde?" I whispered again.

His eyes slowly opened, focusing on me. He gave me an ashamed look, closed his eyes once more, and turned his head to the side.

"What happened?" I asked with hushed urgency.

He only shook his head. My gaze turned to the hand that continued to press firmly into his side, and I could now see as clear as day: the crimson red oozing from his body, and creating a puddle underneath him. I let out a din of sadness involuntarily from deep within. When I looked back at Clyde, he had pain stricken across his face.

"What are we going to do?" I asked with panic while digging my fingers through my hair aggressively.

He shook his head once more, but then opened his mouth to speak.

"There isn't much we can do, love," he wheezed while wincing with pain before continuing. "I'm going to die."

"Don't say that!" I begged.

"It is only the truth, Obei."

I shook my head angrily at him before he took his hand from his wound, and wrapped it around my hand. I didn't even care that I was getting his blood all over me, but I gasped at the great amount of blood that now sputtered and poured from the stab wound.

"They came back," he began. "I couldn't stop them before they got me. I'm going to die, and I'm so sorry."

"No," I whispered weakly.

"Melvin Obadiah, my one wish for right now is that you be strong. For me? I don't want to die alone. Please don't leave me here. I love you, and need you."

"Of course I'll stay, but-" a moment of internal conflict stopped me in my tracks. There was nothing I could do to save him, no matter how hard I tried; but he was my brother, and it was wrong. Should I tell him? Or should I keep it to myself?

"But what, Obei?" Clyde said weakly as he interrupted my thoughts.

"I- love you, too, Clyde."

He smiled feebly, and then pulled something out from his pocket with his free hand. Then, with his bloodied one, he held open my hand and placed the thing he pulled out in it. It was the ring he had tried to propose to me with. I looked from the ring back up to him with wide eyes.

"P- please take it, l-love," Clyde said with difficulty.

My eyes began to fill with tears, and I could only nod.

"Can I ask of one last favor from you?" I nodded again, still unable to speak. "Might we part with one last kiss?"

I stared into his drooping eyes with sorrow, still thinking about how wrong it would be to do such a thing. But at that moment, I realized that it was too late: I was in love with Clyde Gregory. Therefore, I began to lean in ever so slowly. At first, it was just a peck, and our eyes met once more before we leaned in again, and kissed with an infatuating passion I had missed.

I became lost in his lips, kissing them deeply and with a loving affection. His hot breath wavered with mine, and his breathing became mellow. I began to feel my warm tears trickle down my face, and then I felt Clyde become weaker altogether. Suddenly, his lips became still; and his head fell backwards as his lips were pulled from mine. I stayed in that position: eyes closed, lips parted, tears staining my face: until I opened my eyes to see his pale, lifeless features.

I first whimpered at his inert state, and another sorrowful outcry came from deep within my gut. All at once I began yelling out into the world with a sadness I never thought I would feel. I screamed and I cried and I shook, and I took Clyde into my arms and buried my face into his still chest. My howls continued, and I never felt a worse pain in my entire life as my heart wrenched with agony. The love of my life was dead. My brother was dead.

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