Chapter 6

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I awoke in Clyde's arms very early. It was still dark outside, and Clyde was fast asleep. His bare chest rose and sank with each breath, and his dark hair was a tangled mess which had been previously dampened by sweat. I slowly rose and removed the covers carefully as not to wake Clyde. I pulled my clothes back onto my body and then headed for the door. However, I did not quite get there before Clyde's tired voice caught me in my steps.

"Going so early?" he asked groggily.

I turned around a longing in my eyes.

"I could stay all day," I began, "except for the fact that I can't."

I apologized before exiting the room, but I could see that Clyde understood. I headed down to the basement where I cleaned up, and then rested for a little while longer until my time of duty arrived.

Later that day, I was called to speak with the queen. As I peered around the corner into the throne room, I was immediately greeted by her majesty's beaming stare. She motioned for me to approach her, and I did so briskly. She then motioned for me to sit in a chair she had pulled up next to her. I did so, sitting very straight as I felt harried.

"My son has chosen," she stated. "I could not help but notice that the little talk we had not too long ago must have helped play the part?"

"Oh, yes your majesty," I said with a delay.

"I do not know what you said to that young man which provoked him so, but I only wanted to thank you, child."

"It was only my duty, mistress."

"Melvin, Melvin," she muttered.

"Yes, mistress?"

"You must learn that always doing things because it is your duty will lead you to a long and meaningless life. Do things because it pleases you."

"Might I speak my mind a moment?" I asked cautiously.

"You may proceed, yes."

"I am a servant, your highness. I have been a servant for as long as I can remember. If I were to do things to please myself, they would not be of the servant ways."

"You can still have fun every once in awhile. You are not a prisoner here."

"What do you mean?"

"Ask Clyde for a day off. There are plenty of servants here to cover for you. Take a day to really explore this lovely village which our castle resides."

"You think that would really be alright?"

"I am the queen, am I not?"

"Of course you are, I'm sorry to have made it seem otherwise-"

"Do not apologize," she interrupted gently.

It was quiet for a few moments before I heard Clyde calling for me. I excused myself from the presence of the queen, thanking her for the advice given.

When I reached Clyde, he was a sweaty mess. He had pulled his metal helmet off and now handed it to me. I followed him as he stormed off into his room. He began undressing the rest of his body, so I closed the bedroom door. He threw the remainder of his armour off to the side, creating a loud crash.

"Clyde-" I began before he yelled angrily at no one in particular.

"Stupid! How could I have failed so much!"

"Calm down, please," I soothed. "What happened?"

"Philip is what happened! He won't even let me get one hit in! How am I to learn if he goes his hardest against me?"

"How are you to learn if you get so angry at everything?" I said as he spun around. "You cannot beat yourself up for failing when you did no such thing."

"Well, Philip-"

"No," I said. "Do not blame Philip. Instead, project this anger you have into power and strength."

"How so?"

"I say go back out there and show Philip who is the boss. Do not hate him, rather, beat him at his own game."

Clyde nodded as he finally calmed down and thought about it. I held his helmet out in front of me, gesturing for him to put it back on. He redressed, and then headed out once more. I shook my head after him. Such a grump he could be sometimes.

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