Chapter 9

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The pain I felt as the nurse cleaned my wounds was nearly unbearable, but I managed. I was allowed to rest for the remainder of the day, but the trauma I experienced kept me awake. Even if I had fallen asleep, I would soon be awakened by nightmares resembling the chilling incident. My body shook due to the frigid temperature of the basement, or was it just the lack of blood I contained in my body? Either way, it was excruciating.

Once I finally fell into a manageable rest, I was awakened by another servant. He slowly handed me a letter, and I grumpily took it. I opened it up noisily and examined the ridiculous markings on the paper. I looked at the bottom of the page and recognized Clyde's signature. I certainly was not in the mood to play 'find the words' in a book, so I slowly, and with difficulty, stood up and headed towards Clyde's room.

After managing the stairs with intense, grueling pain, I entered his bedroom. Clyde was not there, however. I looked down at the paper that I clenched in my fist unknowingly. Uncrumpling it, I scanned over the words. It surprised me when I understood some of it. I filled in a few words with my common knowledge, and there it was: the meaning of the letter.

Basically, Clyde wrote to tell me how sorry he was, and that I should come to his bedroom later. I'm sure there was more to it, but I couldn't figure the rest out. It didn't matter, though. I was here, and although it stated for me to come later, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

For some privacy, and so that I would not get caught alone in the prince's room, I shut the door. I then made my way to the window and sat down on the ledge. I leaned back against the stone, soon realizing it was a huge mistake. I straightened upwards in pain. Sharp jolts of agony coursed through my body. I shifted haltingly until my legs were in a crossed position, and I faced looking out of the window, still wincing in pain.

It was quite an enjoyable view: flowers of various colors were neatly extended as they flowed through the garden. A few knights who guarded the area stood stiffly at their posts. The sun was lower in the sky than I expected it to be. I must have spent a lot more time trying to sleep than I thought.

As I slipped deep into a comforting daydream, the door was swung open abruptly. I jumped, startled, and nearly fell off of the ledge. I spun around to find Clyde. My racing heart slowed down to its normal beat again, but the air held tension. I didn't feel comfortable as I normally did in the presence of Clyde. What was this feeling? Was it- fear?

He pushed the door backwards with a little force, closing it behind him as he approached me. I brought my legs up to my chest, almost trying to protect myself. I knew that he had whipped me, but it was against his will. He would never have done that without his pestering father forcing him.

He stopped as he noticed my reaction to him. His eyes held a feeling of guilt and sorrow. He knew that he had hurt me, and I knew he regretted it. Nonetheless, I held my ground, refusing to give off any misconstrues that I wanted him near. He sighed heavily, looking down at his feet as if he were ashamed of himself.

"Obie-" he began tenderly.

When he looked back up at me I noticed tears in his eyes. He blinked through them, causing a waterfall to cascade down the soft skin of his face. I began to feel an ache in my heart and loosened up a little. I don't think I made it evident, though, since Clyde continued to look sorrowfully my way.

I became wistful as I continued to observe him standing there awkwardly. He continued to produce tears for the waterfall and tried to keep from looking at me for too long. I stood up sensitively, and then approached him. He displayed a look of shock at my action but held his arms out nonetheless. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him firmly. He delicately returned the hug, but he placed one hand on my head, holding it close to his chest.

I heard as he took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. His quick heartbeat was also evident, and I could tell that he feared the worst from me. I began trembling slightly, and Clyde loosened his grip. I loved him, but my body was repulsed. He gently gripped my shoulders and pulled me back to look into his eyes.

"Obadiah," he whispered, "please forgive me for what I shouldn't be forgiven. I have wronged you, and now I do not deserve your love. My only hope is that you grow mad and choose to love me anyway."

"Your words are foolish," I said.

I don't know what coerced me to do it, but I placed my lips on his and kissed him hard. He pulled my face closer, which I did not know was even possible. He fought for a spot in my mouth, and I let him in. His tongue roamed around, and I began to melt. I no longer cared that he had whipped me. I forgave him, whether he deserved it or not.

In one quick motion, I felt him sweep me off my feet. I almost always forgot that I was older than him by five years since he was so much taller and stronger than I. As he carried me, he was very careful as not to hurt the wounds on my back. He laid me down on the bed, giving me an innocent look. He took ahold of my shirt and removed it. After he did so, he examined the bandages that concealed the lacerations.

He reached out and touched the bandages ever so carefully. I instantaneously pulled away; however, even though he had not hurt me. His hand was yanked backwards as a result of my action, and Clyde had a look of concern stricken across his innocent face. I grabbed his hand and held it in my own, as to let him know that I truly had excused him from his frightful actions. I could see in his eyes that it would take him a little longer to forgive himself, and I wished intensely that his father hadn't coerced him into such actions.

He slowly slid his hand out of my benign and compassionate clasp, wrapped me in a blanket in a sweet manner, and then lifted me upwards once more. He basically held me like a baby, but I didn't mind. He then sat on the bed, placing me sideways in his lap. His arms were wrapped around me, allowing me to relax. I was extremely comfortable at this moment, and it didn't take me long to start drifting off.

"I love you, Obadiah; and I can never forgive myself for what I've done."

"It wasn't your doing, Clyde," I mumbled groggily.

"Yet it was. My father gave me the push, and I took it upon myself to continue."

"Don't speak of such horrid things," I pleaded.

"I do not expect you to forgive me, Melvin; but I truly am sorry."

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His face was so close to mine, and his eyes were so soft, holding nothing but repentance. I had to look away before I spoke.

"I love you, Clyde. Don't blame yourself anymore. Promise me that?"


"Please," I begged, opening my eyes once more, "don't call me that. You only call me Melvin in front of others, or when you're angry with me."

"I'm not angry with you, Obie; but with myself. I am so foolish-"

I cut him off by pulling him into another kiss. His lips were so sweet. He pulled away, looking confused.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Why aren't you mad? Scared? Something other than longing? I have wronged you!"

"I know," I whispered, "but what is in the past is in the past. You had no choice, and I wish that you would simply drop it considering there isn't a thing to be done about it now."


"I refuse to stop loving you," I stated. "Therefore, you will have to give up on being so stubborn for once. Forgive yourself, as I have forgiven you."

"But why?"

"Because I know that you love me, and never would've done such a thing at your own will."

Clyde looked away as though he were processing something. When he finally looked back at me he nodded, showing that he was giving up.

"I do love you, and you're right."

"Then forgive yourself, Clyde. Please?"

"I'll think about it," he said.

I shook my head slightly, but in reality, I was happy enough with this answer. I could tell that he needed confirmation in this moment, so I nodded. Not too long after, I closed my eyes once more and drifted off.

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