Chapter 2

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I entered the front doors of the castle as if I were carrying urgent news. Before I had even entered I could hear the king's continuous screaming from outside. I approached the king, full of business manner.

"Your royal highness," I began, "I apologize for my rude intrusion, but you may want to see this."

"What is it?" he shouted at me.

"A letter from the village mailman. He sent his deepest apologies."

The king snatched the note from my hand and examined what it had to say. As he did so, I carefully glanced over at Clyde, whose face was red and covered in tears.

"Go!" the king said suddenly, startling Clyde, and Clyde alone. "Get out of my sight."

Clyde quickly jogged up the stairs and into the safety of his room. The king turned to me with an equally angry face. He looked as though he had an order for me, but he never gave it. Instead, he waved me away and turned to go to his throne. Therefore, I headed upstairs to tidy up another room.

As I reached the top of the staircase, however, the queen came down from the tower where she would normally ruminate. She was a very beautiful woman, with long, flowing brown hair and emerald colored eyes. She seemed young, too young for a son of nineteen years.

"Oh, child," she said to me. "Come with me awhile?"

I never argued with the royals, but in this situation, why would I? At times like these, I would revel in the moment. Saving the memories deep within my mind became a habit when I could connect them to feeling I may have grown to know if I had the ordinary life of a village boy and his mother. The queen led me outside to the balcony that ran alongside the back of the castle as she began talking in her soft, soothing tone.

"Next weekend is very special for Clyde, as you may know," she began as we walked at a slow pace. "Princesses from across the land will all gather here for a ball."

"Of course, mistress."

"I know you and the others have been working very hard to make this ball better than last year's. The floors are absolutely spotless, and the castle looks spectacular," she said with great emphasis. "I just hope that my son finally makes a choice. He has to wed someday, and preferably soon, considering his father's temper."

"That is quite understandable," I said.

"That is why I have a special mission for you," she began as she stopped walking and turned towards me. She took ahold of both my shoulders with a motherly touch. I nodded as I listened for my order. "I need you to talk to my son."

She continued walking, this time away from me as I got caught up in her words. I turned and quickened my pace to catch up, and when I did, I slowed so that my pace matched hers once more.

"I know that you of all people must know my son best. He trusts you with his things and hasn't complained about your work. You could convince him to choose this year. He needs the push, but it is quite obvious that his father isn't getting through to him."

"I'm not quite sure I'd be able to either," I said slowly. "I am but his servant."

"Oh, child; but you must be more than that. You have become Clyde's only friend. He would appreciate your opinion."

I stared down at my feet, pondering the responsibility. I eventually knew that no matter what I'd say, I would probably have to agree with the queen anyway. I nodded as I looked back upwards. We had reached the end of the balcony now, and it was time to voice my opinion.

"I'm sure I could help him to figure something out."

The queen's face lit up brighter than it already was.

"Oh, thank you, child. Clyde can be ever so stubborn, but I'm sure you can knock some sense into him."

She gently touched my cheek, and then was back on her way inside the castle, and to her husband to sit on the throne. I held onto the feeling of her gentle touch for a moment longer before heading back inside. Hopefully this time I wouldn't be interrupted before getting to my final duty for the day.

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