Chapter 7

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I awoke a later morning, and a strong, steady feeling of faintness quickly washed over me. I pulled the meager blanket off of my body and gradually sat up. I eventually raised my body into a standing position, and lazily pulled my work clothes on. I pondered about the day in hand but thought very poorly of it. Perhaps Clyde would allow me to venture out for once. I could get some stew or some freshly baked bread from Peter's shoppe. His mother did say I should get out sometime.

Therefore, I ventured upstairs and to Clyde's bedroom. He had requested to be awakened a little earlier than usual, and I kept that promise. I tapped gently on the door, and then slowly cracked it open.

"Sir Clyde?" I whispered before hearing a low groaning sound coming from a pile of numerous layers. "You desired to be roused earlier, so I came by. Might I open the curtain?"

I didn't wait for a response. I flung open the drapes from the window, allowing the light from the early morning sun to permeate the previously black, dim room. Clyde groaned, covered his head with more covers, and then rolled over.

"As you wish, sir. I shall let you sleep," I contemplated asking him what was on my mind. "I have but one question?" I said as I made my decision. There was silence from Clyde, but I continued anyway. "Could I possibly have a day to myself; as in, explore this glorious town in which our castle resides?"

It was quiet for quite a long time, so I figured Clyde must have fallen asleep once more. I turned to leave the room, preparing myself for the long day to come. Before I could exit the room, however, Clyde sat up and turned towards me with a confused look upon his sleepy face.

"What did you just ask me?" he asked befuddled.

"If I could possibly have a day off, perse."

"You do not get days off," Clyde said. "I will need you today."

I nodded slowly in a way that showed I understood, and would not ask again. Then I turned to exit the bedroom. Clyde stopped me, however, and I re-entered the room.

"What brings you to want such a thing?"

"Nothing too particular, sir," I began. "I'm just feeling a little under the weather. It isn't a big deal, however, and I can assure you that I'm fine. I will still work at the highest of my ability."

"I know you, Obie," Clyde said ever so delicately, and quiet. "You would never in your life ask for a single day off."

"That is quite true," I said. "My apologies, prince Clyde. It will not happen again."

"It was my mother who sent you, wasn't it?"

"Yes," I answered truthfully.

"And I suppose you are only asking for the sake of the duty?"

"Yes," I answered again with the same connotation.

"Then go, Melvin; and let me be! Can you not see I am sleeping?"

He winked at me with his enticing and alluring smile. I grinned back at him, and then exited the room. I was very excited to begin exploring the numerous places I had always dreamt of going to visit. First, I went back into the basement to gather a few thing, and then I quickly, and also vigilantly headed out.

I decided that since I never got the chance before to explore the grand town that I would splurge a little with my allowance. Stew and bread were in my midst. I came up on Peter's bread shoppe and breathed in deeply. The smells were exotic. I could hardly keep the saliva in my mouth from how much it was watering.

"Ah, Melvin! Tell me yer buyin' my bread today?"

"I believe I am doing such a thing," I said blithely.

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