Chapter 56

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"And we're in Florida" Cami said happily

"I'm in Florida oh my gosh" She said

"Okay so now that we're here lets go find your dad" Hayes said patting my shoulder

We found our way out the big airport and Hayes called an uber. We got in and I told him the location of the place where my dad was at.

*skip car ride*

Once we arrived I saw a giant house everything was beautiful

"Here it is" He said and my mom payed him

"Thank you but please wait here" she said and got out the car

"Isn't that your dads car" Cami asked

"Yeah those are the license plates" My mom said

The house had so many windows so we all went around looking. I saw a balcony and the door was open

"Get me up there" I said to Hayes

"What no we can't enter a strangers house" He said

"Hayes there probably asleep it's early" I said

"Okay" he said and rolled his eyes

The balcony wasn't that high up he pulled me up and I climbed the rest of the way. I went and walked over to the door and lightly opened it.

And to say I saw two people sleeping I walked in lightly but not all the way but then I couldn't stand to the sight of what I was seeing my eyes started to water I backed up and climb down.

"Call dad I wanna see what happens" I said

My mom grabed her phone I climbed up half way then I heard it.

The phone was ringing

"Hang up" I said beginning to cry

"He's cheating" I said

"What" my mom asked confused

"I'll prove it" I said while my voice shaked

I went and nocked on the door over and over until a lady opened

"I want to see him" I said pointing to my dad who was standing behind her

"You lied to me you told me you were on business you told me you loved me you told my mom that you loved her but you're sleeping with another woman how could you ever possibly do this" I said tears streaming down my face

"Sweetie let me explain" He said

"Don't call me sweetie your dead to me and I don't know why you would do this to my mom when all she did was care about you" I said

"I now dis-own you as my dad"

"You didn't tell me you had kids just don't tell my kids" The lady whispered

"Oh yeah so I suspect your gonna be saying that you love them too when you can't think about your actual daughters fellings" I said

"And you know I wrote a song and I released it, you work your butt off to make money all I will have to do to mantain myself and my mom is to write music and keep my fans updated I love them for what they have done a lot more than you have"

"I'm becoming successful but that doesn't matter to you" I said walking away

My mom slowly walked up to him and it was weird how she wasn't crying she just looked mad.

She then slapped him and I heard the loud sound

"Nothing good comes from cheating" she said and came walking over to me

"Lets go" my mom said

"YOUR CRAZY AND TO THINK I LIKED YOU" Cami yelled to him as we got back in the car

"I'm so sorry" Hayes said rubbing my mom and mines shoulder

"It's okay he wasn't around before" My mom said

"What do we do now" I asked my mom

"This is Florida lets do something" She smiled

My mom is the strongest woman I know the worst of the worst just happened a couple minutes ago and she still maintains to have a smile on her face like it's nothing.

"I'm hungry" I said

"Let's go eat then" she smiled


Today was quite okay except for what happened earlier, we went places and did stuff it was fun.

We got a hotel cause we're staying here a couple of days and getting on a flight back to LA.

I wanna start fresh


Short but the next chapter is gonna be so good!

Sorry for any mistakes 💕

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