Chapter 1- The Reaping

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Just saying I made the cover! 😇💁🏻

Michelle's pov
Today is the day that no one is excited for. Everyone dreads today. It's the day of the reaping. One girl and one boy will be picked to fight to the death in the annual hunger games. Last hear district 2 won. It was a boy named Luke. He won by hiding. I'm from district 5, we've only won a few times. I forgot to mention that I'm a career so I've trained my whole life for today. I'm still nervous though.
At the reaping
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls to the 86th annual hunger games!" Effie Trinket says and claps.
No one else claps. No one wants to get picked.
"Well as usual, ladies first." She says and walks over to a large glass bowl.
All of our names are in there. Mine is in there more than once so if I get picked, my family will have food to survive on. Effie feels every single name and finally chooses one. She pulls it out and opens it up.
"Michelle Baldesarra." She says.
Everyone looks at me and makes a path so that I walk on to the stage. I take a step forward and walk towards the stage where Effie is smiling at me, gesturing for me to come on to the stage.
"Our female tribute, Michelle Baldesarra!" She says and claps.
I look at everyone who is starring at me and I stare at them.
"Now for the gentlemen." Effie says and puts her hand inside the other glass bowl.
She twirls her hand about and finally picks out a name.
"Hunter Vran." She announces.
Everyone looks to see the boy. I must admit, I'd never seen him before. Although I do recall seeing him hunting in the woods one time.
He nervously walked on to the stage.
"Give a round of applause for our male tribute Hunter Vran!" Effie says while smiling and clapping.
The whole of district 5 just press their three middle fingers against their lips and then hold them up to us.
We are taken into small rooms and say goodbye to our families. Then we are put on a train that takes us to the Capitol. We are also supposed to meet our mentor, I wander who it is.

District 1- Emily and Eldon (careers)
District 2- Richelle and Noah
District 3- Stephanie and West (careers)
District 4- Cierra and Jake
District 5- Michelle and Hunter (careers)
District 6- Riley and James
District 7- Thalia and Daniel
District 9- Giselle and Max
District 10- Amanda and Josh
District 11- Skylar and Nick
District 12- Abi and Chad

Hope you liked the first chapter! This book will be on different people, not just Michelle by the way.

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