Chapter 19- Ask Her Out Dude

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Noah's pov
We sit on the strong branch, my arm around Richelle and her head rests on my shoulder as we wait for West and Emily to come back. James has his knife close to him, I have my bow and arrow at the ready.

I hear the sound of leaves crunching and my eyes scan our surroundings.
"Richelle. James." I say quietly and nudge them both.
"Is that them?" James asks.
"Yeah." I say as I see a piece of blonde hair, followed by Emily's head.
"Ready?" I ask and look at James.
"Ready." He replies and is about to throw his knife.
"Aim." I say and get my arrow positioned.
"Fire!" I yell and I hear someone else say it at the same time- Emily.

I shoot my arrow at West and he falls to the ground, instantly dying as his cannon goes off. Arrows shoot up from Emily and Richelle's leaning down with her hands covering her ears. She lets out small cries and more arrows come up. She's petrified.

"Shh. It's ok Richelle it's going to be over when James kills Emily." I say looking at James whilst emphasising the last three words.

However, just as he throws his knife, an arrow hits him and he falls off the branch. I grab my bow and arrow then and there. I pull it back and shoot it at Emily. Me and Richelle look down at her. She pulls the arrow out of her chest, takes a last breath and falls down next to West. Secret Wemily. Then, her cannon goes off as well.

I help Richelle down the tree and we rush over to James.
"James, James can you here me?" I ask as we kneel down next to him.
"Look. I'm going to die any minute now." He says.
"But we need you." Richelle says.
"No, you don't need me." He says.
"We do!" I exclaim.
"As long as you have each other, you'll be ok." He says.
"But we really need you! You can't leave!" Richelle yells.
"I know you don't, you just need each other. Can you promise me one thing before I leave Noah?" He asks, his voice fading.
"Of course what is it?" I ask.
"Ask her out dude." He says and his eyes shut, the noise of a cannon following.

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