Chapter 7- Special Skill

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Giselle's pov
Today is the day that we perform our special skill and I'm quite nervous. The skill that I'm showing is throwing spears and aiming them to the heart. Although I'm quite good at it, I hope that I don't mess up.

A few hours later I find myself sitting next to Max, the boy that I came with, waiting to go on. Daniel, the boy from district seven, just walked out and that means that it's Max's turn. He walks in to the room and closes the door behind him.

Max's pov
As I enter the room, I feel everyone's eyes on me. In the corner of the room I see a huge weight. In front of it is an 'x' marked on the floor and a long arrow pointing forwards. I realise that I have to throw the weight to the other side of the room. The weight looks really heavy, heavier then anything that I've ever lifted.

I walk over to the weight and slowly lift it up. This is heavy. I look up to the people watching me and they are whispering to each other. One of them mouths
"he's never going to make it."
This just makes me more determined. I lift the weight up and swing it around. Then I let go of it and it lands on the 'x' that is on the other side of the room.
"Yes!" I exclaim.
I look over to the people who have shocked faces and one of them claps.
"Get the last girl." One of them says.
I nod and walk out to get Giselle.

Giselle's pov
Max walks out of the door.
"How did it go?" I ask.
"Great. Good luck, you're on now." He says.
"Thanks." I say and walk into the room.

At one side I see bow and arrows, at the other spears. I walk over to them and the cutouts of people. I take a few spears in my hands and walk about 7 meters away from the cutouts. I put the spears down all but one. I place it in my right hand and throw it at the target. I hit it right in the middle and smile. Then I start throwing all the other spears and they hit the targets perfectly. I just don't know if I could do this to an actual person in the games.

When I finish I take a bow.
"The scores will be announced later." Someone says and I walk out.
I think that I scored pretty well!

Once I get back to where we are staying, I see that our mentor ,Jessy, has the TV on.
"Come on Giselle! Me and Max have been waiting for you." She says.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." I say.
"They're announcing the scores now." Max says.
I sit down on the sofa next to Jessy.

After a while of waiting, our scores come on. Max scores a ten!
"Well done Max!" I exclaim and give him a pat on the back.
"Thanks." He says with a smile on his face.
Then my score comes on. I got eleven! My face lights up when I see my score.
"Eleven Giselle!" Jessy says.
"Good job!" Max says.
"Thanks." I say.
What a great day!

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