Chapter 12- Joining

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Giselle's pov
As I'm walking around I could fall at any moment. I'm extremely dehydrated and I feel like I'm about to faint. Then I see a small lake. Oh my gosh. Water!

I run to the lake as fast as I can and then I jump into it. I drink as much of it as I can. That is until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Max. He hasn't got a weapon with him so what is he doing?

"You aren't happy about the games are you?" He asks.
"Of course I'm not happy." I say.
"Well then if you team up with me, we can try and get every single tribute on our side and end the games for good!" He says.
"I'll join but I don't see how you're going to get the career tributes to join." I say.
"Maybe if we convince them, they'll join." He says.
"Maybe. Why don't we go and recruit some other tributes then?" I ask.
"Let's go!" He says and we both get out of the water.

We start walking deep into the forest until we come across someone. We see a small boy hiding inside a bush.
"We aren't going to hurt you. Don't be afraid." I say.
The boy slowly gets out of the bush and approaches us.
"What's your name?" Max asks.
"Josh." The boy says.
"Do you want to stay alive Josh?" I ask and he nods his head vigorously.
"Well come with us." Max says and we start walking.

We just need some more people and the Capitol will start to notice us.

Sorry this is so short!

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