Chapter 14- Betrayal

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Michelle's pov
As Hunter and I are walking deep into the woods, we come across three people walking. One girl and two boys. The girl has long, curly ginger hair whilst the boys have short black hair. We haven't killed anyone yet because we couldn't find them. Now's our chance.

"Hunter." I whisper and he looks over to me. 
"What?" He whispers back.
"Look." I say and point to the three tributes.
"Grab your knife." He whispers and we slowly walk over to them, not making a sound.

"Now!" I yell as we plunge our knives into their backs.
However, the girl ran off and we didn't catch her because we were busy stabbing the boys. Oh well. It's only one stupid girl, she's going to die sooner or later. We pull our knives out of their backs and slowly watch them die. Once their canons go off, we leave.

"We haven't killed anyone in so long." Hunter says and cleans his bloody knife on a leaf.
"I know. The other careers will be happy though." I say.
"Yep! All we have to do is find them." Hunter says as he finishes cleaning huis knife.
"It shouldn't be too hard. All we have to do is listen for the screams." I say and he nods his head up and down.

"Wait a minute." Hunter says and jumps behind a tree.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I cleaned my knife too soon." He whispers.
"Who is it?" I ask and crouch down beside him.
"The strong boy from district 6." He whispers.
"James?" I ask.
"That's his name!" He says.
"He isn't that far away. Why don't you move a bit closer and hide behind that bush while I go around the other side to corner him." I whisper.
"Good idea." Hunter whispers back and starts moving.

I slowly walk around the other side. What is James doing? Is he trying to light a fire? Because it really isn't working out for him. I sneak up behind him and Hunter tip-toes towards him as quiet as a mouse. James soon sees Hunter and then turns around to run but stops because I grab him.

"Any last words James?" I ask whilst holding the knife beneath his neck.
"Wait you can't kill me! I know who killed Stephanie, your friend! I can take you to him." James says.
He knows who killed Stephanie? Maybe we should let him live for a bit longer.
"Well take us to him." Hunter says.
I grab the back of James' shirt incase he tries any sudden movements. If he did, he'd better say bye bye.

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